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Rare birds in the UK have been living far better than the more common birds over the last decade due to the efforts of conservation organisations, according to a new assessment.


The research shows almost 60% of the 63 rare birds that live in the UK have increased over the last 10 years.


By contrast, only about one third of common species have increased over the same period.相比之下,在過去十年裏普通鳥類的增長率只有10%。

Just 28% of rare birds have decreased over the same period, compared with four out of every 10 common birds.


The rare birds described in the assessment with increasing populations include the osprey (鶚) and corncrake (秧雞).


All of these birds are subject to conservation action.


The declining common birds include the nightingale, swift (雨燕), house sparrow and red grouse (蘇格蘭雷鳥).


These are suffering declines for a variety of reasons, including changes in farming practices.


Dr David Noble, from the British Trust for Ornithology, said: “That some of our rarer birds have responded to targeted conservation action is great news.

來自英國鳥學組織的David Noble博士說壹些稀有鳥類對(我們做得)特定保護措施做出了響應(這裏就是說我們對某種特定鳥類的保護措施起到了效果),這是天大的好消息。

It shows just what can be achieved.What we need to do now is to continue the good work and use some of the lessons we have learned to help our more common birds.”


Dr Mark Avery, the conservation director of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), said: “Over the last decade we've enjoyed some great conservation successes, including removing some threatened species from the World Conservation Union's Red List of Thratened Animals and increasing the populations of red kite, osprey, etc.皇家鳥類保護組織的主任Mark Avery說,在過去十年裏,我們的保護措施取得了豐厚業績,包括從“瀕危動物的世界自然保護聯盟紅名單”中去除壹些瀕危動物(從瀕危動物名單中去除就說明他們不再是瀕危動物,數目得到增加,保護措施很有效)並且增加了紅鳶和鶚的數量等。

However, these successes are countered (抵消) by continued declines of some widespread species.”


The overview of 210 native birds has been produced by a group of conservation organisations, to mark the publication of The State of the UK's Birds report, which is in its l0th year.


The report was published by the RSPB for a group of conservation organisations.
