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1502年發行的Ambrogio Calepino's Dictionarium是16世紀出版、流通最廣泛的拉丁文字典(之壹?),並且逐漸發展成為中世紀多語種字典.但1532年Robert Estinenne發行的Thesaurus Linguae Latinae和1572年他兒子Henri Estienne的Thesaurus Linguae Graecae這兩部字典在歷史上的分量是最重的,後者是19世紀之前所有希臘語字典的基礎和原型


In medieval Europe,glossaries with equivalents for Latin words in vernacular or simpler Latin were in use (e.g.the Leiden Glossary).The Catholicon (1287) by Johannes Balbus,a large grammatical work with an alphabetical lexicon,was widely adopted.It served as the basis for several bilingual dictionaries and was one of the earliest books (in 1460) to be printed.In 1502 Ambrogio Calepino's Dictionarium was published,originally a monolingual Latin dictionary,which over the course of the 16th century was enlarged to become a multilingual glossary.In 1532 Robert Estienne published the Thesaurus linguae latinae and in 1572 his son Henri Estienne published the Thesaurus linguae graecae,which served up to the 19th century as the basis of Greek lexicography.

ps Thesaurus Linguae Latinae/Graecae = 拉丁語/希臘語索引典.不要把Estienne父子出版的辭典跟現當代學者編纂的同名thesaurus linguae latinae和thesaurus linguae graecae混淆了.