((縮)) wk.
1 工作
2 a. 職業
looking for work 找工作
b. 技藝; 行業
3 a. 職務; 任務
begin the day's work 開始壹天的工作
b. 工作量
a week's work 壹周的工作量
4 a. 工作的時段
met her after work 在她下班後跟她碰面
b. 工作場所; 辦公室
Should I call you at home or at work?我該打電話到妳家或妳的辦公室?
5 a. 成果
This story is the work of an active imagination.這篇故事是活潑的想像力
Erosion is the work of wind, water and time.沖蝕是風, 水和時間所造成的
b. 效果
The sleeping pills did their work. 安眠藥發生了效果
c. 行為; 行動
"I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold,
all is vanity." (Ecclesiastes 1:14)我已經見過所有的新鮮事; 妳看看呀!
6 a. 藝術品; 文學作品
b. (常作 works) 某人全部的作品
the works of Shakespeare 莎士比亞全集
7 a. (常作 works) 工程築構 (如橋, 壩等)
b. 防禦工事
8 a. 針線活
b. 刺繡品; 針織品
9 (制作過程中經過機械處理的) 材料
work to be turned in the lathe 要在車床上加工的材料
10 (常作 works; 與單數或復數動詞連用) (常用於復合字) 工廠, 廠房
a steelworks 鋼鐵廠
11 (常作 works) 內部機件
the works of a watch 手表中的機件
12 工作態度; 工作品質; 技藝
13 ((縮)) w.『物理』功
14 (常作 works)『神學』善行; 德行
salvation by faith rather than works 由信仰獲得救贖, 而非由善行
15 (常作 works)
a. ((口語)) (與 the 連用) 壹切
ordered a pizza with the works 點壹個有所有配料的披薩
b. ((俚語)) (與 the 連用) 痛打
took him outside and gave him the works 帶他到外面去痛打壹頓
工作的; 與工作有關的
(worked (wrought), work.ing, works)
1 工作; 幹活
2 以…為業; 從事…職業
3 a. 運轉; 操作
How does this latch work? 這門閂怎麽用
b. 如常運作
The telephone hasn't worked since the thunderstorm.自從暴雷雨之後這電
4 a. 有效
Our friendship works best when we speak our minds.當我們坦誠相待的時
候, 友誼才發揮到極致
b. 成功
This recipe seems to work. 這個烹調食譜看來會成功
5 (與 on, upon 連用) 起作用, 產生影響
worked on her to join the group 對她下功夫去參加那個團體
6 逐漸產生…
The stitches worked loose. 縫線逐漸松了
7 緩慢地行進; 費力地行進
worked through the underbrush 在矮樹叢中費力前進
8 (因激動) 抽搐, 牽動
Her mouth worked with fear. 她的嘴因害怕而抽搐
9 處理; 加工
Not all metals work easily. 並非所有的金屬都很容易加工
10 發酵
a. (船只受大浪沖擊, 因而導致部分的木板) 松脫
b. 逆風行駛
12 逐漸磨損
The gears work against each other. 齒輪彼此慢慢磨損
1 造成
working miracles 造成奇跡
2 使運轉; 使操作; 使開動
worked the controls 開動操縱裝置
can work a lathe 會操作車床
3 鑄成; 塑成
worked the metal into a sculpture 把金屬鑄成壹座雕塑品
4 縫; 編; 繡
work a sampler 刺繡
5 (以計算, 推理) 解決 (問題)
6 揉, 攪
Work the dough before shaping it. 先揉面團再捏出形狀
7 奮力達成
finally worked the window open 好不容易才把窗戶打開
worked the slaves to death 把奴隸折磨到死
8 努力造成
worked her way to the top 她努力爬到最高位
worked his passage on the ship 他在船上弄出壹條通道來
9 ((口語)) (常與 it 連用) 安排, 設法
worked it so that her weekends are free 她做了壹番安排使周末都有空
10 經營; 墾殖
work a farm 經營農場
11 使工作
works his laborers hard 叫他的工人們使勁工作
12 激起; 引起
worked the mob into a frenzy 激使暴民狂亂起來
13 ((口語))
a. 哄騙; 使著迷
The politician worked the crowd. 政客哄騙大眾
The comedian worked the room with flawless rhythm.這喜劇演員以天衣無縫
b. 利用; 運用
learned how to work the system 學習如何運用這個系統
worked his relatives for sympathy 利用他的親戚以博取同情
14 負責
the agent who works that area 負責該區的代理商
working the phones for donations 負責接聽捐款電話
15 發酵
work in
1 插進; 引進
worked in a request for money 話鋒壹轉要起錢來
2 安插
said the doctor would try to work her in說醫生會設法撥出壹個空檔替她看病
3 努力插進…
work into
1 插入; 引入
2 安插
worked a few field trips into the semester's calendar在學期行事歷中安插幾
3 努力插入…
worked the pick into the lock 拼命把尖物插入鎖孔中
work off
排除; 清理
work off extra pounds 除掉多餘的體重
work off a debt 清償債務
work out
1 努力獲致
2 解決
worked out the equations 算出方程式
worked out their personal differences 解決他們的個別差異所引發的問題
3 作出; 制訂出
work out a plane 訂出壹個計劃
4 (以勞力) 償還 (金錢)
5 成功; 令人滿意
The new strategy may not work out. 這新策略可能不會成功
6 有某種結果
The ratio works out to an odd number. 比率結果是個奇數
It worked out that everyone left on the same train.結果每個人都搭同壹班火
7 鍛鏈 (身體)
8 采掘完; 耗盡
work over
1 翻新; 加工
2 ((俚語)) 痛毆
work up
1 激起 (情緒)
2 a. 逐步發展; 逐漸進步
worked up to 30 sit-ups a day 逐漸進步到壹天可做三十個仰臥起坐
worked up to store manager 逐漸升到經理的職位
b. 逐漸增強
The film works up to a thrilling climax.電影逐漸推進到令人驚悚的高潮
3 努力促成; 經努力而產生
worked up a patient profile 整理出病人的記錄
worked up an appetite 努力培養出胃口
at work
1 工作中
I'm at work on a new project now.我現在正在進行壹項新的計畫
2 作用中; 運轉中
inflationary forces at work in the economy通貨膨脹的力量對經濟產生作用
in the works
準備中; 發展中
has a novel in the works 正在寫壹本小說
out of work
put in work
從事; 著手
put in work on the plastering 著手塗灰泥
work both sides of the street
work like a charm
順利地運作; 有很好的結果
work (one's) fingers to the bone