在漢語學習者沒有完全掌握英語中壹些詞匯的意義之前,往往會把漢語詞匯的意義硬套在英語上。但是英語中詞匯的意義和漢語詞匯能夠壹壹對應的並不多,壹種語言的某個單詞在另種語言中可找到幾種不同的意義。這就給語言的初學者在詞義掌握方面造成了困難。當學習者由於自身的英語詞匯量有限而不能正確表達自己的思想時,就會把類似漢語意思的英語單詞生搬硬套上。例如,將“步入社會”翻譯成”go to society",將“鍛煉自己”表述成“practice myself”。這類錯誤就是學習者把其中文意思與英文意思從字面上簡單地等同起來,將漢語逐字翻譯成了英語而產生了母語的負遷移。
The negative meaning of word transfers
Before a Chinese speaking learner could fully grasp the meanings of any English words, they would usually fit some similar Chinese meaning words into an English sentence rigidly. But in fact very few of the meanings of Chinese words and the meanings of English words are actually corresponding. A single word in one language could have several meanings in another language. This has caused the difficulties of language learning beginners to master the meaning of words. When a beginner has not enough of English words to express their thoughts correctly. They would use similar to Chinese meaning English words to fill in their sentences . Such as "step into the society", which they translated into "go to society" ; "train myself" translating into "practice myself". These kinds of mistakes were simply because learners were literally linking up the Chinese meanings with the simple nominal meanings of English words, translating every single Chinese word meaning into English and therefore had created the mother tongue negative transfers.