附:tear down
拆除, 拆毀
Some parts of the book have been torn down, but what we wanted to look up could be found in the left parts.
The city will tear down these buildings to make room for the new highway.
erase v. 抹去; 消磁; 擦掉
The busiest part of the street turned into a square shared equally by bikes, pedestrians (步行者), cars, and trucks.
Now,there is only one rule: Always give way to the person on the right. The bonus? The whole town has become more human. "We look at each other, and we greet each other," says a citizen named Ulrike Republic.
現在,只有壹條規矩:永遠要給在右邊的人讓路。那麽經濟利益呢?(怎會蹦出這樣壹句?我已盡量意譯了,但還是覺得與前後無關)整個小鎮變得更加人性化了。“我們看到了彼此,並想彼此問候”壹位名叫Ulrike Republic 的居民說到。
Mayor Mans Goedejohann knew that the heavy traffic spoilt Bohmte's atmosphere and endangered the safety of its residents.
Mans Goedejohann 市長早就知道繁重的交通損壞了Bohmte小鎮的氛圍並危及了當地居民的人身安全。
附:atmosphere n. 大氣, 氣氛
But the town cannot forbid truck traffic because its main street is a state highway.
Then he heard of a radical (激進的 ) traffic-management theory called "shared space".
Pioneered by a Dutch engineer who thought towns were safer with fewer rules, it envisioned (設想) open surfaces on which motorists and pedestrians could communicate with one another by eye contact, other signals, and a greater consideration for one another.
附:Pioneer v. 開辟, 倡導; 當先驅, 成為開拓者(根據上下文,這裏應作“倡導”講)
motorist n. 乘汽車者; 常坐汽車的人
Separating cars firom pedestrians was wrong, argued the Dutch engineer called Hans Monderman, whose death this winter aroused people's interest in his ideas once again.
將汽車與行人分開是錯誤的,名叫Hans Monderman的荷蘭工程師這樣主張,而他在今年冬天的去世更使人們再壹次對這個想法產生了興趣。
Portrayed as a dangerous maverick decades ago, Monderman put in place more than 100 shared-space programs in the Netherlands.
數十年前被人們認為是壹個喜歡標新立異的人的Monderman 已經在尼德蘭完成了超過100個這樣的的空間***享項目。
附:put....in place 把……放在合適的位置(這裏意譯為“完成”,或者可以為“使項目到位”)
Portray v. 畫; 把...描繪成; 描寫; 扮演
When the European Union started a research project on shared space, Bohmte decided to try it, along with six other towns, including Ostend in Belgium and Ipswich in England.
當歐盟開始研究空間***享的計劃時,Bohmte 小鎮決定進行嘗試,還有其他的城鎮包括比利時的Ostend 和英格蘭的Ipswich也決定進行嘗試。
Not everybody feels good about the town having spent close to $.3.3 million on redesigning its downtown.
"In theory shared space is more human, but we're left out," says Mr. Breiner, a sight-impaired (有視力障礙的) man who cannot make eye contact with drivers.
Many people also worry that the child and elderly will not be able to communicate with drivers.
Still, a 2008 study in Holland reported that shared space has reduced the number of accidents in sign-free areas.
And Mayor Goedejohann is confident. His town averaged 50 accidents last year. Since the shared space concept was enacted (通過), there haven't been any, he says.
而且Goedejohann 市長自信滿滿。他的小鎮去年平均有50起交通事故。而自從“空間***享”概念通過後,他說今年還沒有任何事故發生。