當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 月亮的英文是什麽?


1. moon 近義詞或詞組 lamp | parish lantern | phoebe | Luna | dian | Diana | Cynthia | mother of the months 例句與用法 1. 月亮繞著地球轉。 The moon goes round the earth. 2. 月亮每個月都有盈虧。 The moon waxes and wanes every month. 3. 地球、太陽和月亮都是天體。 The earth, sun and moon are spheres. 4. 據說潮汐的漲落受月亮的影響。 It is said that the rhythm of tides is affected by the moon. 5. 太陽、月亮和星星都是天體。 The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies. 6. 我們很難觀察月亮的另壹邊。 The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe. 7. 天文學是研究太陽、月亮、星星和其他天體的科學。 Astronomy is the scientific study of the sun, moon, and stars and other heaven bodies. 8. 太陽,星星和月亮都是天體。 The sun, the stars and the moon are celestial bodies