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排炮[pái pào]


詞典volley of guns:排炮。

排炮 漢英大詞典

排炮[pái pào]

(artillery) salvo; volley of guns

排炮 網絡解釋

1. Broadside:沙漠風暴( Sandstorm ) 三重變型戰士排炮( Broadside ) 三重變型戰士大無畏/超級戰士( Superion ) 合體型巨型戰士銀劍( silverbolt )五位飛行戰士之壹彈弓( Slingshot ) 五位飛行戰士之壹俯沖( Skydive ) 五位飛行戰士之壹飛火( Fi

2. Battery:8月6日,第三個地圖包發布,增加3張多人遊戲地圖:排炮(Battery)構建在菲律賓群島,突破口(Breach)設定在柏林勃蘭登堡門附近的鬧市區,革命(Revolution)建立在蘇聯的壹座工業城市.

3. cxenkuglegoj:cxenkudrero: 鏈形針法,鏈形針腳 | cxenkuglegoj: 排炮 | cxenkuplo: [機](自行車)車鏈

4. Organ Gun:Morutaru 日制迫擊炮、日制臼炮 | Organ Gun 排炮 | Petard 爆炸裝置

排炮 雙語例句

1. 排炮將開始建造,並且會被帶到各個拍攝場所。

17 Batteries to be built and moved to the many locations.

2. 如果有壹艘戰列艦停在妳的基地旁邊的海上,可是壹個大威脅,使用九排炮列可以將妳的基地在幾分鐘之內屠殺幹凈。

It's a serious threat to have a battleship parked in the waters near your base, with a nine-gun array that can decimate your position in minutes.

3. 為保證安全,死星上配有10,000門渦輪激光排炮與2,600門離子炮以及700多個牽引光束發射器。

To protect the Death Star, it was equipped with 10, 000 turbo-laser batteries, 2, 600 ion canons, and over 700 tractor beam projectors.

4. 排炮再次響起復又盡顯慘象在我眼前

All the scenes at the batteries rise in detail before me again

5. 他們在陡峭的山腰上掘了散兵坑,在險峰絕頂上架設了排炮。

On the steep sides of the mountain they dug their rifle pits and on the towering heights they planted their batteries.