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四川宜賓學院 江麗容

摘 要:中華文化上下五千年,語言極為豐富,成語、諺語、歇後語以及各種俗語源遠流長。其中尤以格式固定、結構穩定的成語在漢語言寶庫中位置舉足輕重。英語同樣是世界歷史悠久的語言,成語、習語構成其特定的內涵,在中西文化交流,尤其在翻譯中漢英成語若能恰當地對等運用,能起到“橫看成嶺側成峰”的效果。因此本文試圖站在跨文化角度談談漢語成語的英譯。

關鍵詞:成語翻譯 對等 跨文化






打草驚蛇 beat the grass to frighten away the snake

(相當於 wake a sleeping wolf /dog)

對牛彈琴 play the lute in front of the cattle

(相當於 cast pearls before swine)

畫蛇添足 draw a snake and add feet to it

(相當於 paint the lily )

守口如瓶 keep one’s mouth closed like a covered bottle

(相當於 keep one’s mouth shut )

揮金如土 spend money like dirt

(相當於 spend money like water)

雪中送炭 send charcoal in snowy weather

(相當於 help a lame dog over a stile )

易如反掌 be as easy as the turning over one’s hand

(相當於 as easy as falling of a log )

掌上明珠 a pearl in the palm

(相當於 the apple of one’s eye)

“守口如瓶”直譯壹般為 “keep one’s mouth like a bottle” ( 如《漢英詞典》,四川人民出版社,1996,下同;《實用翻譯教程》等),瓶子各式各樣,也可能是沒有封口的,建議改譯為 “keep one’s mouth like a covered bottle”。



調虎離山 lure the tiger from the mountain

攻其不備 strike sb when he is unprepared

牢不可破 be so strongly built as to be indestructible

了如指掌 know sth like the palm of one’s hand

井底之蛙 be like a frog at the bottom of a well

口蜜腹劍 be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted

聲東擊西 shout in the east and strike in the west

史無前例 be without precedent in history


有些成語照字面翻譯譯文讀者難以接受,達不到交際目的。搞翻譯的人都知道曾有人將“胸有成竹”譯成"have a bamboo in his stomach",鬧了場笑話。這條成語出自蘇軾原語,意思是說畫家在畫竹之前,先必須在腦子裏產生竹的形象,比喻在做事之前心中已有了全面的考慮。只要理解了原意,就不難翻出它的比喻意義應該是“have a well-thought-out plan before doing sth”, 與之意義相等有壹條英語成語是“have a card up one’s sleeve”, 由此看出成語翻譯切忌望文生義。又比如 “眉飛色舞”,如果直譯為“his eyebrows are flying and his countenance is dancing”,譯文讀者就會莫明其妙, 不知所雲。翻譯時將成語的實際意義譯出,即“to beam with joy”。再看下面的例子:

粗枝大葉 be crude and careless (直譯:with big branches and large leaves)

暗送秋波 make secret overture to sb (直譯:make sheep eyes to sb)

揚眉吐氣 feel proud and elated (直譯:raise the eyebrows and let out a breath)

單槍匹馬 be single-handed in doing sth (直譯:a single rifle and a horse)

燈紅酒綠 dissipated and luxurious (直譯:red lantern and green wine )

開門見山 come straight to the point (直譯:open the door and see the mountain )

海闊天空 an endless vast /talk at random (直譯:boundless sea and sky )

大張旗鼓 on a large and spectacular scale (直譯:so many flags and drums)

“海闊天空” 有兩層含義,壹是形容空間或境界廣闊,譯成an endless vast,如:“中國有句古話:退壹步,海闊天空。” There is an old Chinese saying , draw back a step and you’ll find an endless vast before you. 二是比喻說話議論漫無邊際,沒有中心,英語對應的成語是 talk at random. 如:“他吹得海闊天空,我幾乎都不懂。”He just talked at random , I could hardly understand.



杯弓蛇影 afraid of one’s shadow (see a serpent’s shadow in a wine cup)

八仙過海 vie with each other (like the 8 Immortals [in Chinese legendary story] cross the sea)

東施效顰 blind imitation with ludicrous effect (just like Dong Shi, an ugly

woman, knitting her brows in imitation of the famous beauty Xi Shi

only to make herself all the uglier)

黃粱美夢 vanished dream/a fool’s paradise (golden millet dream[from a Chinese old story] )

葉公好龍 professed love of what one really fears ( Lord Ye’s love of dragon [from a Chinese tale] )

初出茅廬 just have first experience in(from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

充耳不聞 turn a deaf year to (from the Bible)

進退維谷 between the devil and deep sea ( Greek mythology: between Scylla and Charybdis)




此地無銀三百兩 A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously

protesting his innocence.

巧婦難為無米之炊 One can’t make bricks out of straw.

情人眼裏出西施 Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.

不到黃河心不死 not stop until one reaches one’s goal

病疾亂投醫 consult anybody when in a desperate situation

天有不測風雲 A storm may rise from a clear sky. / Something unexpected may happen any time.


車到山前必有路 Things will eventually sort themselves out.

吃壹塹,長壹智 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit

前車之鑒 a lesson to remember / burn one’s fingers

明槍暗箭 an open spear thrust and an arrow in the dark

三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮 three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind

三思而後行 think thrice before you act / look before leap


樹欲靜而風不止 A tree may prefer to calm, but the wind will not subside.

山雨欲來風滿樓 The rising wind forebodes the coming storm.

城門失火,殃及池魚 When the city gate catches fire, the disaster extends even to the fish in the moat.

兩雄兩爭,其鬥必烈 When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.

賠了夫人又折兵 instead of making a gain, suffer a double loss

迅雷不及掩耳 as sudden as a flash of lightning


天下烏鴉壹般黑 Crows are black the world over / Evil people are bad everywhere.

上梁不正下梁歪 If the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant.

樹倒猢猻散 Monkeys disperse when tree falls.

玩火* play with fire and get burned

慶父不死,魯難未已 There will always be trouble until the trouble-maker is removed.

司馬昭之心,路人皆知 A villain’s plot is so obvious that everybody knows about it.

“慶父不死,魯難未已”有的翻譯是 there will always be trouble until he who stirs it up is removed (如《漢英成語詞典》),而相比之下“There will always be trouble until the trouble-maker is removed”(《新時代漢英大詞典》)更顯得簡練,也更形象。


動物在不同的文化及語言裏往往有不同的象征意義。比如“龍”是中國人的圖騰,漢語成語有“望子成龍”、“龍飛鳳舞”、“龍騰虎躍”,“龍肝鳳膽”等。而在英語所代表的文化中“dragon”的形象往往帶有貶意,常用來比喻惡魔。如果把“龍肝鳳膽”直譯為“dragon’s liver and phoenix’s gallbladder”會把外國朋友嚇跑的。又比如“狗”在漢語言文化中往往帶有貶意,為人們所唾棄。而在英語文化中“dog”卻被認為是人類最忠實的朋友, 乃至被視為家庭成員之壹。如果問及歐美人最喜歡的動物是什麽,多數人會回答“dog”。因而英語有“help a lame dog over the stile”、“let a sleep dog lie”、“every dog has its day”等成語。翻譯這類成語同樣要了解中西文化習俗的不同,改變動物的形象,這樣不同文化的人才能接受。請看下面的成語及其譯文:

望子成龍 long to see one’s son win success (直譯:long to see one’s son become a dragon )

龍飛鳳舞 living and vigorous flourishes (直譯:dragons flying and phoenixes dancing )

打落水狗 hit a person when he is down (直譯:beating a drowning dog )

狗仗人勢 use the influence of sb in bullying others

( 直譯:behave like a dog relying up on the power of its owner)

狗拿耗子 poke one’s nose into other people’s business ( 直譯:a dog trying to catch mice)

掛羊頭賣狗肉 selling horse-meat as beef steak (直譯:hang up a sheep’s head and selling dog-meat)

狗咬呂洞賓 misunderstanding a kind-hearted person (直譯:a dog barking at Lu Dongbin)

狐假虎威 bully people by virtue of sb else’s influence (直譯:the fox borrow the tiger’s ferocity)

以“掛羊頭賣狗肉”為例,狗既然在西方人眼裏為寵物,西方人的餐桌上當然是不能有狗肉的。譯成對應的英語成語“selling horse-meat as beef steak” 避開了西方人的忌諱,且生動形象,正是異曲同工之處。


由於漢英兩種語言文字的差異和文化傳統的迥然不同,不同的成語在翻譯方法的選擇上也不盡相同。傳統的“直譯”和“意譯”各有千秋,筆者則認為譯無定論,成語的翻譯首先應考慮語言背景的不同,即根據成語在上下文(context clue)中的實際意義選擇不同的譯法。比如,壹部《紅樓夢》成語俯拾皆是,在楊譯本①與霍譯本②中風格卻不盡相同,那是因為譯者對語言背景理解的角度不壹樣。在這方面已有不少進行比較的文章,這裏不再贅述。


註:① 指楊憲益、戴乃叠(Gladys Yang)譯本。

② 指大衛.霍克斯(David Hawkes)譯本。


1、Newmark, Peter. 1982. Approaches to Translation. England: Pergamon Press Ltd.

2、Nida, Eugene A. 1993. Language, Culture, & Translating.










