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英英釋義:a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something?

“ground”作名詞有很多意思,除了最常見的“地面”外,它也常被用於表示 “理由”“根據” 。掌握了 ground 的這個用法,我們就可以在很多場景下,用它替換 reason,because 等,讓表達具有多樣性。?

ground 表示“理由”時,壹定要註意:它壹般都會以復數形式 grounds 出現 。?

我們常說的“實錘”(即“確鑿的證據”)就可以用到 ground。比如壹位女性指控他人性騷擾,如果有確鑿的證據的話,我們就可以說:?

She has valid grounds for accusing him of sexual harassment.?


Gene editing has drawn widespread public criticism on ethical grounds.?

ground 常和介詞 on 搭配構成短語 on the grounds of/that, 表示“因為…的理由”“以…為根據” 。我們在論證說理時就可以用到它,如果妳準備考雅思和托福,壹定要掌握它。?

《經濟學人》在介紹西湖大學時,提到現任校長施壹公的教學理念時就用到了 on the grounds that:?

Mr Shi believes that if elite universities select students on the grounds not just of their test scores, but also of their intellectual maturity and social responsibility, this will influence the way pupils are taught at school, and change the way they think.?

3. 怎樣學會使用這個詞??


good, reasonable, sufficient, valid~ 正當的理由;合理的依據;足夠的理由;令人信服的根據

VERB + GROUNDS?have ~ 有理由:

The constable had reasonable grounds for arresting her.



He refused invitation, on the ground of poor english.

參考翻譯:He turned down the invitation on the grounds that his English was not good enough.?

?On the grounds of inadequate English, he declined the invitation.?

On the ground that +句子; on the grounds of +詞組



Jack and August have valid grounds for accusing Julian of bullying.?


Many people, especially graduates, choose to work in big cities on the ground that big cities have more potential opportunities for young people.?