本來不想翻譯的 畢竟我愛好和平
但是不能讓他們覺得中國人好欺負 所以我還是翻譯了 不是字對字翻譯的 因為覺得更恰當 所以某些地方做了改動 也加了點東西 嘿嘿 本來想罵人的 但是有些話 要用說的才有氣勢 而且 不能給他們留下妳們威脅人的證據(在我看來 妳準備以書面形式交流 恩恩 所以 我沒翻譯要砸車的那壹段)所以我改成了文明的嚇唬 自作聰明中~~赫赫
What do you mean to do? lying and kiding again? Are you happy this way? You got to know I had been waiting for you today for the whole day! And you failed me. I have told you to pay the electricity bills twice and obviously failed for both times! We have no choices but to pay all by ourselves, up to 400 Euros. I believe all of us know that we are not supposed to do so because that is your responsibility. If you want to cheat in front of us, my advice is be prepared for the consequences. Although it may be a foreign country to us, we believe every country in the world is run under laws, in front of which, everybody is equal. We may consider this final and powerful weapon and please never force us to do so. I do not know whether you realise that we have one similarity, that we both do not have restaurants(飯店 從廚師 我推斷出來 應該是飯店). To make it clearer, we do not have much to consider before taking action, just like you. You should and have to explain everything to us, in addition, return our money. Otherwise, consequences are waiting for you, either by us, or through laws, most importantly, by God. Never forget, God is watching you!!
我加了不少 意思如下:
妳什麽意思 又騙我們? 這樣妳很開心嗎 要知道我今天特地開門等妳過來 居然 騙我 還有 跟妳講 上次叫妳交的 電費 讓妳交了2次 2次都沒有成功 都停電了 400多歐元 全部我們自己在去 郵電局交了。 如果妳想要騙我們,我的建議是準備接受後果吧。就算對我們來說,這裏是外國,但是我們相信每個國家都是法律統治的。而且法律對誰都是公平的。我們有可能會考慮使用這個最後並且是最有力的武器,所以不要逼我們。我不知道妳有沒有發現我們之間有個***同點:我們都沒有店。也就是和妳壹樣,在采取行動以前,我們都沒太多可顧及的。妳應該也必須跟我們解釋這壹切,並且還我們錢。否則的話,後果自負,當然後果有很多種,要麽是我們,要麽是通過法律,要麽是上帝。永遠都不要忘記,上帝看著妳(因為外國人壹般信仰上帝 所以我+的)
不要明目張膽的威脅 外國人很會在這方面做文章