Wearing hat can prevent from the sun.
問題二:防曬霜用英語怎麽說 1. sunsr琺en 防曬霜
Summer care 夏日防曬
wear sunscreen 塗防曬霜 ...
2. sunscreen cream 防曬霜
Wear a minimum SPF15 sunscreen.
問題三:防曬英文怎麽說防曬是什麽意思 防曬
[詞典] [醫] Sunscreen;
My sister *** eared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool all day.
問題四:化學防曬,物理防曬分別用英語怎麽說 化學防曬,物理防曬分別Chemical sunscreen, physical sunscreen respectively
問題五:“防曬”用英語怎麽說 For UV protection, just eat tomatoes.
問題六:為什麽進口防曬霜英文寫的防曬指數是50,中文寫的是30+ 您好,知我藥妝肌膚顧問很高興幫助您。
SPF是防曬指數(SunProtection Factor )的英文縮寫,是防曬護膚產品對紫外線防護能力的大小。 SPF指數越高,對皮膚給予的保護能力就越大。
SPF值不同,表示有效防曬的時間也不同。具體為:SPF 15 = 15* 10 = 150分鐘SPF 20 = 20* 10 = 200 分鐘SPF 30 = 30 * 10場= 300 分鐘SPF 50 = 50* 10 = 500 分鐘
PA代表防曬產品對UVA的防護效果(UVA是肌膚老化的兇手),這是壹種日本防曬指數測量標準,測試標準為2 - 4小時陽光照射後皮膚持久性黑色素沈澱(PPD)的穩定指數。PA保護程度為PA+,PA++,PA+++。 “ + “字越多, 防止UVA 的效果就越好,有效防護時間也就越長。
- PA+ : 表示有效,防護時間大約為2C 4小時。- PA++ : 表示相當有效,防護時間4 C 8小時。- PA++ : 表示相當有效,防護時間4 C 8小時。
問題七:防曬衣用英語怎麽寫 回答和翻譯如下 :
rash guards
問題八:化學防曬、物理防曬分別用英語怎麽說? 叫“sun screen”的是化學,叫“sun block”的是物理
問題九:關於介紹防曬霜的英語 Sunscreen (also known as sunblock, suntan lotion) is a lotion, spray or other topical product that helps protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and which reduces sunburn and other skin damage, ultimately leading to a lower risk of skin cancer. However, suntan lotion is an incorrect term for sunscreen as it is something entirely different. Suntan lotion is used to moisturize and maximize UV exposure and tanning, rather than block it. These are monly called indoor tanning lotions when designed for use with tanning beds or just suntan lotion if designed for outdoor use and may or may not have SPF protection in them.
The best sunscreens protect against both UVB (ultraviolet radiation with wavelength between 290 and 320 nanometres), which can cause sunburn, and UVA (between 320 and 400 nanometres), which damages the skin with more long-term effects, such as premature skin aging. Most sunscreens work by containing either an organic chemical pound that absorbs ultraviolet light (such as oxybenzone) or an opaque material that reflects light (such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide), or a bination of both. Typically, absorptive materials are referred to as chemical blocks, whereas opaque materials are mineral or physical blocks.
Dosing for sunscreen can be calculated using the formula for body surface area and subsequently subtracting the area covered by clothing that provides effective UV protection. The dose used in FDA sunscreen testing is 2 mg/......>>
問題十:防曬服英語怎麽說 suntan-proof wear
UV-protection wear