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He believes that the key to the development of enterprises who are the most active factor productivity is the internal driving force for sustainable development of enterprises. 而決定人行為的要素首先是思維模式和觀念,觀念不變,再好的決策也無法實施。 Elements of human behavior and decided to first of all thinking and concepts, ideas change, even the best decisions can not be implemented. 為此,他把思想政治教育工作作為企業經營管理的壹項重要內容,利用各種機會,采取多種方式鼓舞員工幹勁。 To this end, he ideological and political education as an important enterprise content management, using a variety of opportunities to take various measures to encourage the staff motivated. 公司每年開的各種大小會議,他都要把思想政治教育工作的內容作為必備課。 Annual conferences and meetings open, he would take the contents of the ideological and political education as a necessary lesson.

員工思想的高度統壹,創新精神的不斷迸發,激發了管理人員的創業欲望,使個人潛能得以最大的發揮。 People thinking of the unity of the spirit of innovation continues to burst, to stimulate the entrepreneurial desire of managers to make the most of their potential to be. 觀念的確立,使企業物質文明得到協調發展。 Establishment of the idea that the material be coordinated business development. 目前,集團公司已有是七個基層單位分別進入自治區級、盟級、旗級文明單位行列。 Currently, the company has entered the seven basic units are autonomous region, Union level, the flag-level units in the ranks of civilization.

關愛員工奉獻社會責任是和諧社會的“生態鏈”,責任是企業應有的價值觀,責任建設是加強企業道德建設的關鍵環節,是增強企業“軟實力”的重要內容。 Dedication to social responsibility, caring staff is a harmonious society "ecological chain", the enterprise should have the values of responsibility, responsibility of building construction is to strengthen the key to corporate ethics, is to enhance the corporate "soft power" of the important content. 心中擁有社會,就會產生責任。 Heart and society, will have a responsibility. 王以廷常常戲稱自己是社會的“高級打工者”,他主動承擔社會責任,為黨分憂,為政府解難。 Wang Ting often joked that they are society's "high wage", whose active commitment to social responsibility, for the party share those concerns, the government problem-solving.

近年來,公司員工每年工資增幅均在20%以上,2009年員工年人均收入已達到4萬元,是改制前的5倍多。 In recent years, employees have an annual wage increase of 20% or more, per capita income of employees in 2009 has reached 4 million, is more than 5 times before the restructuring. 同年,受國際經濟危機的影響,企業在艱難的運作下,員工人均月增資200元;他十分重視依法為員工繳納各項社會保險金,解除了員工的後顧之憂;他時刻關心員工的身心健康和困難人員的生活問題,定期對員工進行公費體檢; In the same year by the international economic crisis, business in a difficult operation, 200 per employee per capita monthly replenishment; he attached great importance to pay for their employees according to the social insurance funds, to lift the worries of the employees; he always concerned about the health of staff and difficulties staff of life issues, regular medical examinations for staff at public expense;