You! Everybody Every one too got !
DJJohnny MC 小妞! rock you rock you music!
what side go to find the fin the fanking side !
My,DJ Kimi, MC in the right,so but go to fair.
way;got to for love,way got But you.hold you tight , fuck you in the night
very the bather;愛瑞the go,very the 八the ;且K少,very the 八the ;鬧鬧,very the 八the ;gogo,very the 八the ;dance the dance the dance the dance the dance the dance . Who ,that's the best listen to me,reach the best . shaking now baby,
沒啥調是沒殺掉 沒殺掉the K 沒鬧,DJ煞木DJ替DJ雅惠瑞K party,切K巴裏巴裏鬧,誰巴裏要,巴裏優,巴裏當系,B you 勒系K;B you 勒系K;B you 勒系K the 切K少,切K;八T K,巴裏要people the 切K少[空拍]
Lte's the 巴裏listen to me,瑞K the巴裏系K鬧boby,very the巴裏切K少,very thes巴裏the 鬧,very the巴裏鬧問the誰,very the巴裏the鬧問the go
OK,boys fwilld girls fwilld 英文特該the 愛瑞八the;in my 我的,要music愛瑞八the,CLUB music of you, 看DJ 雅惠;remix party so party