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妳弄錯了 是 dusk (黃昏) 不是 dust (塵埃)

From dawn to dusk 是從晨曦到暮色


1. the state or period of partial darkness between day and night; the dark part of twilight.

2. partial darkness; shade; gloom: She was barely visible in the dusk of the room.

Pronunciation: (dusk), [key]


tending to darkness; dark.

—v.t., v.i.

to make or become dusk; darken.


1. The time of day when light first appears as the sun rises.

Thesaurus: morning, sunrise, daybreak, daylight, sun-up (US), aurora;Antonym: dusk, sundown, sunset.

2. The beginning of (a new period of time, etc).

Thesaurus: beginning, outset, onset, origin, birth, genesis, inception, start, rise, advent, emergence, dawning