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熱鬧: [ rè nao ]

1. lively

2. bustling with noise and excitement


<liveliness> <jollification> <hot up>


1. 我的女兒還小,我不喜歡住在熱鬧的馬路旁。她需要嚴加看管,不能讓她跑到馬路上。

I don't like living near a busy road when my daughter's so young. She need to be watched like a hawk to stop her running out into the traffic.

2. 我不同意,布萊頓城更為熱鬧。

I disagree, brighton's more lively.

3. 我不同意。布萊頓更為熱鬧。而且布萊頓有為數更多的吸引人的建築物。

I disagree. Brighton's more lively. And it have more interesting buildings.

4. 首先,我站在壹個熱鬧的角落,僅僅是看著人們,試圖以審視他們來理解他們生活的某些東西。

First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.

5. 看起來他似乎很喜歡大城市的熱鬧繁忙的生活。

It seems that he enjoys the hustle and bustle of life in the big city.