setting 英 ['set?] 美 ['set?]
setting是什麽意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:愛美劇,學英語!基本釋義n.背景;環境;鑲嵌;安裝;放置;(日月的)沈落;[音]樂曲動詞set的現在分詞形式.您對本詞條的內容滿意嗎:滿意請改進雙解釋義n.(名詞)[C] 鑲嵌;鑲嵌底座 way or place in which sth is fixed or fastened
[C] 環境 surroundings;environment
[C] (某事、戲劇、小說等的)背景 place and time at which an event occurs or a play,novel,etc. is set
[C] 裝置、機器等定的速度、高度、溫度等 speed,height,temperature,etc. at which a device,machine,etc. is or can be set to operate
[C] (為詩等譜寫的)樂曲 music composed for a poem,etc. 查看更多詳盡釋義n.(名詞)背景,環境,布景
級 adj.(形容詞)安裝中的 _null.動詞set的現在分詞形式 英英釋義Noun:the context and environment in which something is set;
"the perfect setting for a ghost story"the state of the environment in which a situation exists;
"you can't do that in a university setting"arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted
the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event;
"the historical context"the physical position of something;
"he changed the setting on the thermostat"a table service for one person;
"a place setting of sterling flatware"a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place;
"the diamond was in a plain gold mount"查看更多
setting的用法和樣例:例句用作名詞 (n.)Our story has its setting in ancient Rome.我們這個故事的背景是在古羅馬。
An informal work setting helps to build employee enthusiasm and morale.不拘形式的工作環境,提高了員工的熱情與士氣。
She liked the diamond itself but not the setting.她喜歡那顆鉆石,但不喜歡它的鑲嵌底座。
We are setting up a printing press.我們正在安裝壹臺印刷機。
Popularize CA and the setting pattern.推廣客戶自動化系統及安裝模式。
This setting repositions all existing list items in sorted order.本設置以排序順序重新放置現有的所有列表項。
The setting sun glorified the scene.落日使景色更美。
The setting sun inflames the sky.落日映紅天空。
With the setting of the sun, night comes silently.隨著太陽的落下,夜晚悄悄地來到。 查看更多去句海,查更多例句?常見句型用作名詞 (n.)There was a diamond in the setting.底板上有壹顆寶石。
The villa has a beautiful setting overlooking the sea.別墅的環境很美,正俯瞰著大海。
The setting was beautiful.背景很美。
The cooker has several temperature settings.這個電飯煲有幾個溫度定位檔。
He sang Schubert's setting of a Goethe poem.他唱了壹首以歌德的詩為詞、由舒伯特譜曲的歌。 查看更多詞匯搭配jet-settingjet set的形容... trend-setting領導潮流的 set放置 preference setting電腦參數設定... quick-setting快凝的 place setting(進餐前放在進餐者面... jet-setter乘噴氣式飛機到處旅遊... pressure setting壓力設定 setting point下落點,凝固點,調整... power setting動力調整 setting accelerator凝結加速劑,凝固催速... fine setting精密調整,精密整定... setting tank沈澱箱[池],硬化槽... die setting模具的安裝,模具安裝... cold setting冷塑化 setting mechanism整定機構,數據裝定機... zero setting零位調整,置零... setting out測定(出發 setting time硬化時間,凝固時間,... manual setting手調A Tree, at the first Setting, should not be Shaken, vntill it hath taken Root.出自:BaconThe setting of household tasks as a punishment.出自:G. GorerChauffeurs are requested not to leave their cars when setting down or picking up.出自:Globe Mail (Toronto)The..setting of broken bones without the help of anaesthetics.出自:M. M. Kaye
setting的詳細講解:詞義辨析n.(名詞)setting, backdrop, background, environment這組詞的***同意思是表示現實生活中或文藝作品中有關人及他們的行動背景,其區別是:background表示“背景”,原指燈光昏暗的舞臺背景,或畫面深處的背景,引申指某件事的綜合背景。environment表示“環境”,尤指自然環境,用於人或生物時不僅指自然環境,還指能影響其身體、精神和道德發展的壹切外部因素,如果影響壹個人成長的因素是遺傳或先天的,多用background,如果這個因素是環境造成或後天習得的,就用environment。setting多指小說、戲劇或其他文學作品的“背景”,包括人物活動的時間、地點和條件;在現實生活中,指以藝術的眼光看待人類及其活動所取的立場。backdrop表示“背景”,原指舞臺後部放下的幕布,為演員的演出提供背景;用於引申意義,當強調生動效果,而不過多考慮社會影響或精神意義時,人們越來越多地用backdrop取代background和setting。place position spot situation site location locality setting scene 這些名詞均含“地點、位置、場所”之意。place:place含義廣泛,最普通用詞,既可指很小的地點,又可指很大很遠的地方或場所。
setting的相關資料:近反義詞近義詞background背景 surroundings周圍的事物 scenery風景 environment環境 scene情景 habitat棲息地 atmosphere大氣 location位置 situation形勢 site地點 locale現場 set放置 venue審判地 backdrop背景幕 circumstance環境 stage setting舞臺裝置 position位置 place地方 locality地區 context上下文 mise en scene<法> 舞臺演出... scope機會 mount登上 spot地點 place setting(進餐前放在進餐者面前的... 查看更多反義詞rising上升