在區域經濟合作日益重要的背景下,In the context of the growing importance of regional economic cooperation,《南寧市國民經濟和社會發展第十二個五年規劃綱要》指出要將南寧建成區域性國際城市,The Twelfth Five year Plan of National Economy and Social Development of Nanning point out that Nanning should be built into a regional international city.“十二五”期間南寧將初步建成引領西江經濟帶的區域性信息交流中心,成為區域性國際物流基地,這為發展智慧物流提供了廣闊的舞臺。 During the Twelfth “Five year” Plan period, Nanning will initially be built to lead the Xijiang River Economic Belt with regional information exchange center, a regional international logistics base, to provide a broad stage for the development of wisdom logistics.同時,At the same time,建設智慧物流體系是南寧市打造區域性國際物流基地的重要舉措, the construction of wisdom logistics system is not olny an important measure to build a regional international logistics base in Nanning,是建設區域性國際城市的有力支撐, the strong support of the construction of a regional international city,是南寧市經濟轉型升級的重要推動力,an important impetus for economic transformation and upgrading Nanning,也是南寧市物流業自身轉型升級的需要but also the need of the logistics industry transformation and upgrading of Nanning .本文的目的在於探討區域性國際城市構建與智慧物流體系建設的關系以及南寧市物流發展與智慧物流的關系,The purpose of this paper is to explore a regional international city to build the relationship with the wisdom of the logistics system and the relationship of development of logistics and smart logistics in Nanning,並在此基礎之上對南寧智慧物流體系的建設進行規劃及設想。 and on those basis for Nanning wisdom logistics system future planning.首先First of all,,本文分析了南寧構建區域性國際城市的情況及南寧市物流發展現狀, this paper analyzes the construction of Regional International City and the development status of Nanning logistics,以及二者的互相影響as well as the influence of each other.為後面的研究奠定現實基礎。The research lays a foundation for the following.其次,Secondly,本文介紹了智慧物流的相關理論, describes the theory of wisdom logistics,闡述建設智慧物流體系對南寧市物流發展的影響。Describes the construction of wisdom logistics system Influences on the development Nanning logistics.然後,Then,理論結合實際,combining theory and practice, planning out the wisdom logistics system with Nanning characteristics.規劃出具有南寧特色的智慧物流體系.最後Finally, summing up the whole research work,對整個研究工作進行歸納和綜合分析in this paper is summarized and the synthesis,,闡述本課題研究中存在的問題及進壹步開展研究的見解和建議。expounding the problems in this research and giving some insights and recommendations to future research.
關鍵詞:區域性國際城市regional international city 智慧物流wisdom logistics 南寧Nanning 規劃Planning