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[拼音]:qū xī


bend her knee;

bend one''s knee;

flexion of knee joint;

knees bend down;

fall on one''''s knees ;

go down on one''''s knees ;

on bended knees;

1.to go down on one''''s knees;

to bend one''''s knees ;

genuflect; genuflex;

go down on one''s knees;

went down on one''s knees

[參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英綜合科技大辭典 漢英綜合大詞典 漢英航海大詞典 漢英綜合大詞典

屈膝運動 kneebend

卑躬屈膝 cringe before ; eat dirt ; eat humble pie; &nbs....

屈膝禮 curtsey; curtsy

行屈膝禮 drop a courtesy ; drop a curtsey ; drop a curtsy ;&nb....

向...屈膝 grovel at the feet of; grovel at the feet of

對...卑躬屈膝 cringe before; cringe to; crawl to

屈膝旋轉法 telemark

卑躬屈膝的 hangdog

向...行屈膝禮 drop a curtsey to; drop a curtsy to; make a curtsy to

對...行屈膝禮 bob a curtsey to; bob a curtsy to

自然地彎腰屈膝 crouch comfortably

行屈膝鞠躬禮 bob to

俯臥屈膝試驗 Ely?s test