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酒場用英語怎麽說 酒場的英語翻譯?

酒場的英語是” Bar”,在《實用英語詞典》中,***找到20個與酒場相關的釋義和例句。

Plaza Hotel The Plaza Hotel Plaza Forum Hotel ( 酒店 )

Park Plaza Hotel Hotel Park Plaza Park Plaza Hotel Bloomington Park Plaza Resort ( 公園酒店 )

Century Plaza Hotel ( 世紀酒店 )

The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel ( 費爾蒙科普利酒店 )

Regal Airport Hotel ( 富豪機場酒店 )

1. He’s up at that still over a month, drinking.

譯文:他在釀酒場待了壹個多月 飲酒度日 He’s up at that still over a month, drinking.。

2. The exact sequence of events is still becoming clear, but in common with recent Boko Haram attacks, a drinking establishment was targeted.


3. “i’d see a few friends or race past a blind pig, ” she said, using the euphemism for Prohibition-era drinking establishments.


4. “Book of Songs” the first pioneer to open Shijiu blend, when the poem is more than just drinking but also the description of the scene.


5. And furthermore, how much time do you spend in a drinking establishment?

6. i’m hidin’ out at the still till this ruckus with Jim Vance blows over.

譯文:我將藏匿在釀酒場 I’m hidin’ out at the still 直至吉姆?萬斯的動平息 till this ruckus with Jim Vance blows over.。

7. Brewery: All commercial activities related to wine. Banning alcoholic drinking is one of the precepts in Pancasila.


8. Below is a valley with orchards and vineyards, enough to feed hundreds.

9. But on the wooded bluff overlooking the River Spey where Macallan has been made since 1824, stills disused since the 1980s have been brought back into use and two vast warehouses have sprouted.

譯文:麥卡倫酒莊xx年創辦於斯佩河(River Spey) 河畔,岸邊林木森郁,憑崖俯瞰,就可見自上世紀xx年代就已廢棄的釀酒場已被重新投入使用,兩個巨大的倉庫也已初具規模。
