is
something
in
the
wind“好像有什麽事情要發生了”
以下為詞典原句:
1.
Butler
suddenly
gained
the
idea
from
Cowperwood's
expression
…that
there
was
something
serious
in
the
wind.
巴特勒忽然從柯柏烏的表情中領悟到……好像有什麽嚴重的事情要發生了。
2.
gunshot
echoed
in
the
woods
and
broke
the
dead
silence
in
the
morning.
“Something
was
in
the
wind,”
thought.
槍聲在林間回蕩,打破了清晨的沈寂。“發生什麽事了吧?”我思忖著。
成語
in
the
wind“在風中”“將要發生。。。”
Big
changes
are
in
the
wind.
巨大的變化即將發生
字面上
Rain
before
seven;
fine
before
eleven
7點前下雨,11點前出太陽
早雨不過午→
雨過天晴
good
winter
brings
a
good
summer瑞雪兆豐年
人們說嚴冬會帶采盛夏。意思是:如果冬天已經來臨,那麽春天還會遠嗎?”
Tall
trees
catch
much
wind
樹大招風
答復:
木秀於林,風必摧之