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網絡資本用英語怎麽說 網絡資本英語翻譯?

網絡資本的英語是”kirb”,還網絡中常譯為”emotional capital”,在《牛津英漢雙解詞典》中,***找到78個與網絡資本相關的釋義和例句。

1. We call it patient capital.

2. Capital adequacy ratio (CAR), also called Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR), is a ratio of a bank’s capital to its risk.


3. What’sthecapital ofNewYork?

4. Education for stability and capital for fast

5. Capitalism: good; non-capitalism: bad.

6. – Network attacks network activity.

7. The capital of the sun and the amusement… and the capital of the murder.

8. And what about capital costs?

9. This was a huge — as you would expect — a huge capital build out.

譯文:中間花費了——正如妳所期望的——巨大的資本去構建這個供電網絡 。

10. – Capital Assets Security…

11. Visions of technology and wealth, the force of the cyber-capital that will send people to the gutter to retch and die.

12. The voice of the chat rooms.

13. Feihua Company is a new-type trader running network with capital background of electric power, which subordinate the country electricity and communications in the center.


14. Little by little, we’re seeding the area with green-collar jobs — and with people that have both a financial and personal stake in their environment.

15. Slaves were the capital in capitalism.
