下面是英語的44個音素和代表詞,或叫做關鍵詞(key words).
5個短元音 (Short-Vowel Sounds)
short /?/ in apple
short /?/ in elephant
short /?/ in igloo
short /?/ in octopus
short /ǔ/ in umbrella
6個長元音 (Long-Vowel Sounds)
long /ā/ in cake
long /ē/ in feet
long /ī/ in pie
long /ō/ in boat
long /ū/ (yoo) in mule
long /ōō/ in flew
3個R控制的元音 (r-Controlled Vowel Sounds)
/ur/ in fern, bird, and hurt
/ar/ in park
/or/ in fork
18 個輔音 (18 Consonant Sounds)
/b/ in bat
/k/ in cat and kite
/d/ in dog
/f/ in fan
/g/ in goat
/h/ in hat
/j/ in jam
/l/ in lip
/m/ in map
/n/ in nest
/p/ in pig
/r/ in rat
/s/ in sun
/t/ in top
/v/ in van
/w/ in wig
/y/ in yell
/z/ in zip
7個雙輔音or 復合輔音 (發壹個音) (Digraphs)
/ch/ in chin
/sh/ in ship
unvoiced /th/ in thin
voiced /th/ in this
/hw/ in whip *
/ng/ in sing
/nk/ in sink
* (wh is pronounced /w/ in
some areas)
5個雙元音和特殊音 (Diphthongs –復合元音,發雙音 and Other Special Sounds)
/oi/ in oil and boy
/ow/ in owl and ouch
short /?/ in cook and pull
/aw/ in jaw and haul
/zh/ in television
第三: A,E,I,O,U是五個元音。元音有長短之分,用小符號壹橫放在元音上方表示長元音,用小符號對勾放在元音上方表示短元音。
第四,如何將這些音素與單詞的拼寫聯系起來,在看到某個單詞時如何發音,比如,什麽樣的拼寫情況下發長元音,什麽情況下發短元音,是有壹定的規則的。我們要在www.ezenglish4chinese.com 詳細介紹這些規則。
在www.ezenglish4chinese.com 有詳細介紹。如果妳有問題,可以發email 給我。