當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 誰幫我把這段話翻譯成英文。


This day, here, I want to talk about the dream.

1. Music is my dream

I believe that the dream is a charger, so do I have a dream? The answer is yes.

And my dream is derived from my hobby, what I like, that is music.

2. Learn how to compose music

After 5 years of music listening, I suddenly have an impulse of music composition, so that's the start of my road to music.

At the beginning, I had no idea to compose music, so I figured to learn it by myself from the Internet. After that, I progressively started at writting the lyrics and composing the tunes. Then, I learned how to record it.

At the meantime, I made lots of friends who love music, and they gave me lots of help and strength.

3. Development of the road to music

In September 2010, I joined the 'BanXie orchestra', and after that I became the deputy-president of 'BanXie orchestra'.

In October I released my first song of the my composition, and released many song in succession.

Progressively, I had my own supporters and Fans. At that time, I do have a sense of achievement and I feel that, no matter how difficult to achieve success, it is still worthy to do all of hard things to make it happen.

4.Life feeling of my experience

I always believed that 'the further the heart is ,the farther the road is.' No matter how unreachable dream there is, as long as you have made the effort, then anything is possible.

PS:樓上的那些都是翻譯機器翻譯的,可能會有很多語法錯誤. 本人是逐句翻譯, 認真對待的.