1. 當語境背景談的是兩個不同的人或事物在某壹個方面進行物比較時,as…as…結構可譯為“像……壹樣”。如:
You can get there just as cheaply by air as by train. 妳坐飛機到那裏同坐火車壹樣便宜。
In many sports physical fitness is not as important as technique. 在許多體育運動中,體能沒有技巧重要。
Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 有些醫生所獲得的報酬差不多是護士的兩倍。
2. 當語境背景談的是同壹個人或事物在某兩個不同的方面進行物比較時,as…as…結構的用法與both…and…相似,通常可譯為“既……又……”。如:
He was as sensitive as he was obstinate. 他既敏感又固執。
Martin was as impatient as he was stubborn. 馬丁既缺乏耐心又很頑固。
The confession was proved to be as absurd as it was false. 這份供詞被證明是既虛假,又荒謬。
3. 當語境背景談的是兩個不同的人或事物在某兩個不同的方面進行物比較時,as…as…結構的用法與whereas相似,通常可譯為“而”。如:
He is as kind as his sister is honest. 他的妹妹很誠實,而他則很和藹可親。
The prisons are as over-crowded as the farmlands are empty. 監獄裏人滿為患,而田地卻無人耕種。
4. 用於as…as possible 與 as…as one can結構時,通常可譯為“盡量”“盡可能”“拼命地”。如:
I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible. 我希望這件事盡快做好。
Dictionaries should be as user-friendly as possible. 詞典應盡可能便於使用。
Perishables need to be consumed as quickly as possible. 易腐爛的食物要盡快吃掉。
Explain it as simply as you can. 盡可能簡單地解釋壹下。
The children streaked off down the street as fast as they could. 孩子們拼命地沿街飛跑。
5. 用於as…as can [could] be結構時,通常可譯為“極其”“非常”“要多……就多……”。如:
Both houses were as clean as could be. 兩座房子都極其幹凈。
A:What was the weather like on your holiday? 妳度假時天氣怎麽樣?
B:It was as good as could be expected. 好得很。
6. 當該結構後接數量表示程度時,相用法大致相當於up to,通常可譯為“達到”。如:
She can run as fast as 20 miles an hour. 她每小時能跑20英裏。
The speed can vary by as much as 15per cent. 其速度的差別可高達15%。
The authorities fear as many as fifty thousand people were killed in the earthquake. *擔心地震中死亡的人數已高達五萬之多。
7. as… as…結構在某些固定搭配中,要註意分清是用於本義還是用於習語義。如:
(1) as good as用於字面義,表示“與……壹樣好”,可視為as…as結構與good的自然搭配;若用作習語,則表示“幾乎”“無異於”“實際上”。如:
A:Is he as good as her at chess? 他下棋也像她下得壹樣好嗎?
B:There’s no comparison. 根本不能比。
He as good as said I'm a liar. 他無異於說我撒謊。
The matter is as good as settled. 這事等於解決了。
另外,還有以下習慣搭配,其翻譯不能隨便從字面來理解:(as) good as a play 非常有趣;(as) good as gold 表現很好的;(as) good as new 完好如新;as good as one’s word 守信; as good as pie 很好的,可愛的,討人喜歡。
(2) as often as用於字面義,表示“與……壹樣經常”,可視為as…as結構與often的自然搭配;若用作習語,則表示“每當”。如:
I don’t visit my parents as often as I should. 我去看望的次數不夠經常。
As often as I tried to phone him the line was engaged. 每次我給他打電話都占線。
另外,習慣搭配as often as not的意思是“往往”“通常”,不能按字面來理解。如:
As often as not, he forgets his homework. 他常常忘做家庭作業。
as soon as 字面意思為“與……壹樣快”;作為習語,其意為“壹……就”。
as long as字面意思為“與……壹樣長(久)”;作為習語,其意為“只要”。
as well as字面意思為“與……壹樣好”; 作為習語,其意為“不但……而且”“既是……也是”“而且”“還”。