inventory turnovers. Discount future revenues. Anticipate higher prices for purchases and increases in services’ rates. Always add extra time for collections
Expect to make payments earlier. Builda cushion for extraordinary events and unexpected disbursements. Adhering to these rules will result in the creation of a cash flow safety net, preventing the possibility of being strapped for funds, cash forecasts generated by accounting
systems. The task of forecasting is only partially an exact science.
Even the most advanced,custom-made program that studies the data and makes predictions based on past patterns cannot accommodate extraordinary events and momentary changes. There
is some element of an intuitive art to this process, and that is why it is
difficult to automate—it requires a hands-on touch, especially if you deal with
a dynamic entity in a volatile market.
The majority of popularsmall business accounting systems (QuickBooks and such) do not produce reports like that at all—you, your treasury group, or your financial analyst will have
to design one, most likely in Excel, and then update it based on the data in
the system, which can be exported and then manipulated. Writing macros may
facilitate this task. If there is a lack of time and/or skills, you should
outsource the development, but don’t get sucked into buying an expensive
report-writer just because you need this and few other reports.
流行的小企業的會計核算系統多數(QuickBooks等)不會產生這樣的報道 — 妳和妳的財政小組,或妳的財務分析師必須設計壹個,那最有可能多數是使用Excel,然後更新基於系統中的數據,它可以被導出然之後被操縱。編寫宏可能推動這項任務。若果缺乏時間和/或技能的話,妳應該作外包發展,但不要只是因為妳需要這個和其他壹些報告而卷入買昂貴的”報告作者”。
Instead, find people who providesolution-by solution services. I can always suggest someone suitable to your needs through my blog, The Frustrated CFO. If you have an expensive high-end
program integrated with a sophisticated report developer, such as IBM Cognos,
you may be able to create a cash forecast that will be updated automatically
every time you run the report.
而是要找那些提供續個方案解決服務的人。通過我的博客,我壹定可以建議壹個適合您需要的人,沮喪的首席財務官。若果妳有壹個如IBM Cognos的昂貴高端項目的壹個復雜報表開發集成,妳可以創建壹個現金預測,每次運行報告時,會自動更新。
Without a doubt, these are themost time- and effort efficient solutions. Nevertheless, a certain level of flexibility is lost there, due to the standardization of reporting features. Midmarket
programs, such as various packages within Microsoft Dynamics business
solutions, all have prebuilt cash requirements queries. However, you must keep
in mind that these reports do not actually have forecasting capabilities—they
draw the projections based on the data already in the system.
Therefore,unless you have all your anticipated outflows entered into the AP module, you
will not be able to generate a six-month forward report. My experience shows
that even treasurers with complicated and powerful IT products at their
disposal end up with a set of interconnected Excel spread sheets that allow
them to play with the data predicting cash flows.
因此,我的經驗顯示,即使財務員擁有復雜和強大的 IT產品可供他們使用,除非妳有所有妳的預期的流出輸入了AP模塊,不然的話,妳就不能迼出壹個六個月報告,得出壹份相互關聯的EXCEL電子表格,允許他們對數據預測現金流量的操作。