首先明確壹個概念,don't 否定謂語動詞,not否定非謂語動詞。
上面例句原文“There is no excuse to not invest in environment protection anymore”中not否定的是不定式“to?invest”而非否定謂語動詞“invest”
這裏涉及另壹個語法知識,分裂不定式,如果按照常規的不定式的否定的語序,原句應該為“There is no excuse?not to? invest in environment protection anymore”,這樣應該就不會產生don't和not的疑問了。
而如果想用don't做否定的話,句子可以改為“There is no excuse?that?we?don't?invest in environment protection anymore”
“分裂不定式”通常指的是即在to和動詞之間放上壹個副詞或please,分裂不定式目前還是語法學家們爭論的壹個問題, 對它的規範性和在寫作中對風格的影響都有爭論。
I want you to read that last sentence clearly.?我希望妳把最後那壹句讀清楚。
I want you to clearly understand what I’m telling you.?我希望妳清楚地理解我告訴妳的事。
這樣的副詞還有如completely (完全地),fully (全部地),really (真地)?和truly (真實地)?等;有時它們則因為沒有更合適的位置:
It’s difficult to really understand the theory of relativity.?真正理解相對論是不易的。
另外對於例句中的用法《劍橋高階英漢雙解詞典》break 詞條下有類似的壹個例句:
This decision?to not call?their daughter Jane was a break with family tradition.?
They were warned?to not look?their captors in the face.他們被警告不要直視逮捕他們的人。
This experience has taught me?to not have?to be in control of everything.這段經歷讓我學會了不要去控制壹切。
I'm trying?to not make?excuses, because I don't think excuses are acceptable.我盡量不找借口,因為我認為借口是不可接受的。