菜園/畦/地
vegetable
oils
植物油
vegetable
matter(=
plants
in
general)
植物質
See
also.
嚴重的腦損傷使他變成了植物人;bl?'v?.
蔬菜
informal
green
vegetables(for
example
cabbage)
綠色蔬菜
root
vegetables(for
example
carrots)
塊根蔬菜
a
salad
of
raw
vegetables
生菜色拉
a
vegetable
garden/ved?t?:
animal:
veggie
a
person
who
is
physically
alive
but
not
capable
of
much
mental
or
physical
activity,
for
example
because
of
an
accident
or
illness
植物人
Severe
brain
damage
turned
him
into
a
vegetable;bl/
/vegetable
//
noun
a
plant
or
part
of
a
plant
that
is
eaten
as
food.
Potatoes,
beans
and
onions
are
all
vegetables;d?t?patch/
fruit;
mineral
Variant