strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa duch.) The strawberry is aprecious fruit and its production is ra-pidly developing in some provinces in China.In this article,advances in thestudy of strawberry(Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) breeding arid tissue cul-ture are briefly reviewed,including studies on the origin,cytology,geneticand phenotypic correlations among main fruit and plant characteristics incultivatied strawberries,and strawberry tissue culture in vitro.Methodsand techniques for strawberry breeding and tissue culture are describedsimul... 本文就近年迅速發展的新興珍貴水果——草莓的遺傳育種和組織培養研究概況,從栽培種的起源、細胞學特征到主要經濟性狀和植株性狀的遺傳相關及組織培養研究等方面進行了概述,並對主要的育種途徑和組織培養方法與技術作了介紹和分析,並結合工作實踐對在我省發展草莓商品生產的前景進行了探討.文摘來源 Studies on the induction of mutations for disease resistance and fruit quality in strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) were carried out with the method combining 60Co-Gamma radiation with shoot-tip culture in vitro. Results showed that the resistance to crinkle and leaf spot diseases was significantly improved, the frequencies of usable mutants of soluble sugar and vitamin C contents were increased in the plants from shoot-tip cultures treated at 8 KR and 12KR and their vegetative progenies.Evi... 本試驗利用莖尖組織培養和Coγ射線處理相結合的方法進行了草莓抗病性和漿果品質誘變研究。結果表明,8和12KR照射量處理的草莓組培植株當代及其無性後代對皺縮病、葉斑病的抗性顯著增強,漿果可溶性糖與維生素C含量優變頻率明顯提高。初步的研究顯示組織培養與輻射相結合的誘變技術是改良草莓農藝性狀的壹個有效的新手段。文摘來源 Young leaves of open pollinated strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch) seedlings developed adventitious shoots when they were cultured in vitro on Murashige and Skoog high mineral salts (MS) supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) (1.5 to 2.Stag/liter) and 3-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (0.1 mg/liter). About 20% of all explants formed shoots. Once shoots had formed, they proliferated readily on these media. When callus was transferred to these media, no shoots formed. The substitution of indo... 用試管內生長的草莓幼嫩葉片作外植體,培養在MS基本培養基上附加1.5—2.5毫克/升6—BA和0.1毫克/升NAA,可直接誘導成不定芽,誘導率可達20%。如果不定芽繼代培養在同樣濃度的培養基上,繼而可形成大量的叢生芽。能使葉外植體形成不定芽的植物激素組合而不能使其愈傷組織分化成芽。IAA與6—BA的不同濃度組合對不定芽形成效果不明顯。