禰 (禰) mí (nǐ) (1) ㄇㄧˊ (2) 古代對已在宗廟中立牌位的亡父的稱謂。(此時讀nǐ) (3) 姓。 (4) 鄭碼:WSRK,U:7962,GBK:ECF2 (5) 筆畫數:9,部首:礻,筆順編號:452435234 詳細註解 (6)演變為日文中的假名ね/ネ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 禰 禰 mí [名] (1) 奉祀死父的宗廟 [temple]。如:禰廟(父廟。或稱考廟);禰祖(父與祖的廟)(此時讀nǐ) (2) 古代軍旅之事,常載神主而行,隨行神主稱彌 [god in the army] 侯氏裨冕,釋歷於禰。——《儀禮》(此時讀nǐ) (3) 姓 English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 禰 ( 禰 ) M í Ancient times to already neutral in the ancestral temple the title of the father of 亡 of the spirit tablet. Surname.
1.the shrine where one's father's sacred tablet is kept
1.a Chinese family name