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Acetazolamide for Injection 乙酰唑胺註射液

Acetic Acid Irrigation 醋酸灌註液

Aciclovir Intravenous Infusion 阿惜洛韋靜脈輸液

Adenosine Injection 註射用阿昔洛韋

Alcohol in Dextrose Injection 磷酸腺昔註射液

Aletplase for Inj. 阿替普酶

Alfentanil Injection 乙醇葡萄糖註射註

Alprostadil Injection 阿芬尼註射液

Alteplase 前列地爾註射液

Alteplase for Injection 註射用阿替普酶

Amifostine ror Injection 註射用阿替普酶

Amikacin Srlfate Inj. 註射用氨磷汀

Amikacin Sulfate Inj. 氨基已酸註射液

Aminocaproic Acid Injection 硫酸阿米卡星註射液

Aminocaproic Acid Injection 氨馬尿酸鈉註射液

Aminopentamide Sulfate Injection 胃胺註射液

Aminophylline Inj. 氨茶堿註射液

Ammonia N 13 Inj. [13N]氨註射液

Ammonia N 13 Injection 氨[13N]註射註

Ammonium Chloride Inj. 氯化銨液射液

Amobarbital Sodium 異戊巴比妥鈉

Amobarbital Sodium for Inj. 註射用異戊巴比妥鈉

Amoxicillin 阿莫西林

Amoxicillin for Injectable Suspension 註射用阿莫西林混懸劑

Amoxicillin Sodium 阿莫西林鈉

Amphotericin 兩性黴素

Amphotericin B for Inj. 註射用兩性黴素

Ampicillin 氨芐西林

Ampicillin and Sulbactam for Inj. 註射用氨芐西林/舒巴坦

Ampicillin for Inj. 註射用氨芐西林

Ampicillin for Injectable Suspension 註射用氨芐西林混懸劑

Ampicillin Sodirm 氨芐西林鈉

Ampicillin Sodium 氨芐西林鈉

Ampicillin Sodium Injection 氨芐西林鈉註射液

Anhydrous Citric Acid 無水枸櫞酸

Anileridine Inj. 阿尼利定註射液

Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose Solution 檸檬酸葡萄糖抗凝液

Anticoagulant Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine Solution 檸檬酸磷酸葡萄糖抗凝液

Anticoagulant Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Solution 檸檬酸磷酸葡萄糖腺嘌呤抗凝液

Anticoagulant Heparin Solution 肝素抗凝液

Anticoagulant Sodium Citrate Solution 檸檬酸鈉抗凝液

Arginine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸精氨酸註射液

Ascorbic Acid Inj. 維生素C註射液

Atenolol Inj. 阿替洛爾註射液

Atropine Sulfate Inj. 硫酸阿托品註射液

Azathioprine Sodium for Inj. 註射用硫唑嘌呤鈉

Aziocillin Sodium 阿洛西林鈉(苯咪唑青黴素鈉)

Azlocillin Sodium for Injection 註射用阿洛西林鈉

Aztreonam 氨曲南

Aztreonam for Inj. 註射用氨曲南

Bacitracin 桿菌肽

Bacitracin for Inj. 註射用桿菌肽

Bacteriostateic Sodium Chloride Inj. 抑菌氯化鈉註射液

Bacteriostatic Water for Inj. 抑菌註射用水

Bentamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Be- tamethasone Acetate Injectable Suapension 倍他米松磷酸鈉和倍他米松醋酸鹽註射混懸劑

Bentamethasone Sodium Phosphate Inj. 倍他米松磷酸鈉註射液

Bentanechol Chloride Inj. 氯貝膽堿註射液

Benztropine Mesylate Inj. 甲磺酰苯紮托品註射液

Benzylpenicilloyl Polylysine Inj. 青黴酰聚賴氨酸

Biperiden Lactate Inj. 乳酸比哌立登註射液

Bleomycin for Inj. 註射用博萊黴素

Bleomycin Sulfate 硫酸博萊黴素

Bleomycin Sulphate 硫酸博來黴素

Bretylium Tosylate in Dextrose Inj. 托西溴芐銨葡萄糖註射液

Bretylium Tosylate Inj. 托西溴芐銨註射液

Brompheniramine Malate Inj. 馬來酸溴苯那敏註射液

Bumetanide Inj. 布美他尼註射液

Bupivacaine Hydrochloride and Epinephrine Inj. 布比卡因和腎上腺素註射液

Bupivacaine Hydrochloride in Dextrose Inj. 鹽酸布比卡因葡萄糖註射液

Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸布比卡因註射液

Buserelin 布舍瑞林

Buserelin 布舍瑞林

Butorphanol Tartrate Inj. 酒石酸布托啡諾註射液

Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Inj. 咖啡因和苯甲酸鈉註射液

Calcirm Chloride Inj. 氯化鈣註射液

Calcirm Gluceptate Inj. 葡庚糖酸鈣註射液

Calcirm Gluceptate Inj. 葡萄糖鈣註射液

Calcirm Levulinate Inj. 乙酰丙酸鈣註射液

Calcitonin(Salmon)Salcatonin 鮭魚降鈣素

Calcium Folinate 葉酸鈣

Calcium Glucohetonate 葡庚糖酸鈣

Calcium Gluconate for Injection 註射用葡萄糖酸鈣

Capreomycin for Inj. 卷曲黴素註射液

Capreomycin Sulfate 硫酸卷曲黴素

Capreomycin Sulphate 硫酸卷曲黴素

Carbenicillin for Inj. 註射用羧芐西林

Carbenicillin Disodium 羧芐西林二鈉

Carbenicillin Sodium 羥芐青黴素鈉

Carbenicillin Sulphate 羧芐西林鈉

Carboplatin for Inj. 註射用卡鉑

Cefalotin Sodium 頭孢噻吩鈉

Cefalotion Sodium 頭孢噻吩鈉

Cefamandole Nafate 頭孢孟多酯鈉

Cefamandole Nafate for Inj. 註射用頭孢孟多酯鈉

Cefazolin for Inj. 註射用頭孢唑啉

Cefazolin Inj. 頭孢美唑啉註射液

Cefazolin Sodium 頭孢唑啉鈉

Cefazolin Sodium 頭孢唑啉鈉

Cefazolin Sodium for Injection 註射用頭孢唑啉鈉

Cefmetazole for Inj. 註射用頭孢美唑鈉

Cefmetazole Inj. 頭孢美唑註射液

Cefmetazole Sodium 註射美唑鈉

Cefonicid for Inj. 註射用頭孢尼西鈉

Cefonicid Sodium 頭孢尼西鈉

Cefoperazone for Inj. 註射用頭孢哌酮

Cefoperazone Inj. 頭孢哌酮註射液

Cefoperazone Sodium 頭孢哌酮鈉

Cefoperazone Sodium 頭孢哌酮鈉

Ceforanide 頭孢雷特

Ceforanide for Inj. 註射用頭孢雷特

Cefotaxime for Inj. 註射用頭孢噻肟

Cefotaxime Inj. 頭孢噻肟註射液

Cefotaxime Sodium 頭孢噻肟鈉

Cefotaxime Sodium for Injection 註射用頭孢噻肟鈉

Cefotetan 頭孢替坦

Cefotetan Disodium 頭孢替坦二鈉

Cefotetan for Inj. 註射用頭孢替坦

Cefotetan Inj. 頭孢替坦註射液

Cefoxintin Sodium 頭孢西丁鈉

Cefoxitin for Inj. 註射用頭孢西丁

Cefoxitin Inj. 頭孢西丁註射液

Cefoxitin Sodium 頭孢西丁鈉

Cefoxitin Sodium for Injection 註射用頭孢西丁鈉

Ceftazidime 頭孢曲松鈉

Ceftazidime 頭孢他啶

Ceftazidime for Inj. 註射用頭孢他啶

Ceftizoxime for Inj. 註射用頭孢唑肟

Ceftizoxime Inj. 頭孢唑肟註射液

Ceftizoxime Sodium 頭孢唑肟鈉

Ceftriaxone for Inj. 註射用頭孢曲松鈉

Ceftriaxone Inj. 頭孢曲松鈉註射液

Ceftriaxone Sodium 頭孢曲松鈉

Ceftriaxone Sodium 頭孢曲松鈉

Ceftriaxone Sodium for Injection 註射用頭孢曲松鈉

Cefuroxime for Inj. 註射用頭孢呋辛

Cefuroxime Sodium 頭孢呋辛鈉

Cefuroxime Sodium 頭孢呋辛鈉

Cefuroxime Sodium for Injection 註射用頭孢呋辛鈉

Cefuroxime Sodium Inj. 頭孢呋辛鈉註射液

Centamicin Sulfate 硫酸慶大黴素

Cephalothin for Inj. 註射用頭孢噻吩

Cephalothin Inj. 頭孢噻吩註射液

Cephalothin Sodium 頭孢噻吩鈉

Cephapirin for Inj. 註射用頭孢匹林鈉

Cephapirin Sodium 頭孢匹林鈉

Cephradine 頭孢拉定

Cephradine for Inj. 註射用頭孢拉定

Chloramphenicol 氯黴素

Chloramphenicol Inj. 氯黴素註射液

Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate 琥珀氯黴素鈉

Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate for Inj. 註射用琥珀氯黴素鈉

Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride 鹽酸氯黴草

Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride for Inj. 註射用鹽酸氯黴草

Chloroquine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸氯註射液

Chlorothiazide Sodium for Inj. 註射用氨噻嗪鈉

Chlorpheniramine Maleate Inj. 馬來酸氯苯那敏註射液

Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸氯丙嗪註射液

Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride 鹽酸金黴素

Chorionic Gonadotropin 絨促性素

Chorionic Gonadotropin for Inj. 註射用絨促性素

Chromic Chloride Inj. 氯化鉻註射液

Chromic Phosphate P 32 Suspension 磷[32P]酸鉻懸浮液

Chromium Cr 51 Edetate Injection 鉻[51Cr]依地酸鹽註射液

Ciclosporin 環孢素

Cilastatin Sodium 西司他丁鈉

Cilostatin Sodium 西司他丁鈉

Cimetidine in Sodium Chloride Inj. 西咪替丁氯化鈉註射液

Cimetidine Inj. 西咪替丁註射液

Cindamycin Phosphate 磷酸克林黴素

Ciprofloxacin Intravenous Infusion 環丙沙星靜脈輸液

Cisplatin for Inj. 註射用順鉑

Citric Acid Anhydrous 無水檸檬酸

Citric Acid Monohydrate 壹水合檸檬酸

Citric Acid,Magnesium Oxide,and Sodium Carbonate Irrigation 檸棕酸,氧化鎂和碳酸鈉灌註液

Clavulanate Potassium 克拉維酸鉀

Clindamycin for Inj. 註射用克林黴素

Clindamycin Inj. 克林黴素註射液

Clindamycin Injection 克林黴素註射液

Clindamycin Phosphate 磷酸克林黴素

Cloxacillin Sodium 鄰氯青黴素鈉

Cloxacillin Sodiumfor Injection 註射用氯唑西林鈉

Codeine Phosphate Inj. 磷酸可待因註射液

Colchicine Inj. 秋水仙堿註射液

Colistimethate for Inj. 註射用多粘菌素E甲磺酸

Colistimethate Sodium 多粘菌素E甲磺酸鈉

Compound Sodium Lactate Intravenous Infusion 復方乳酸鈉靜脈輸液

Corticotropin 促腎上腺素

Corticotropin for Inj. 註射用促腎上腺皮質素

Corticotropin Inj. 促腎上腺皮質素註射液

Corticotropin Zine Hydroxide Suspension 鋅促腎上腺皮質素縣浮液

Cupric Chloride Inj. 氯化銅註射液

Cupric Sulfate Inj. 硫酸銅註射液

Cyanocobalamin Inj. 維生素B12註射液

Cyclophosphamide for Inj. 註射用環磷酰銨

Cyclosporine Inj. 濃縮環孢素註射液

Cysteine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸半胱氨酸註射液

Cytarabine 阿糖胞苷

Cytarabine for Inj. 註射用阿糖胞苷

Dacarbazine for Inj. 註射用達卡巴嗪

Dactinomycin 放線黴素D

Dactinomycin for Inj. 註射用放線黴素D

Daunorubicin Hydrochloride for Inj. 註射用鹽酸柔紅黴素

Deferoxamine Mesilate 雲鐵胺甲磺酸酯

Deferoxamine Mesylate 去鐵胺甲磺酸酯

Deferoxamine Mesylate for Inj. 註射用去鐵胺甲磺酸酯

Desferrioxamine Mesilate 雲鐵胺甲磺酸酯

Desmopressin 去氨加壓素

Desoxycorticosterone Acetate Inj. 去氧皮質酮新戊酸酯註射液

Desoxycorticosterone pivalate Injectable Suspension 去氧皮質酮新戊酸酯註射懸浮液

Dexamethasone Acetate Injectable Suspension 地塞米松醋酸酯註射縣浮液

Dexamethasone Injection 地塞米松註射液

Dexamethasone Pivalate Injectable Suspension 地塞米松醋酸鈉註射液

Dextran 40 右旋糖苷40

Dextran 40 for Injection 註射用右旋糖苷40

Dextran 40 in Dextrose Inj. 右旋糖苷40葡萄糖註射液

Dextran 40 in Sodium Chloride Inj. 右旋糖苷40氯化鈉註射液

Dextran 60 for Injection 註射用右旋糖酐60

Dextran 70 右旋糖苷70

Dextran 70 for Injection 註射用右旋糖酐70

Dextran 70 in Dextrose Inj. 右旋糖苷70葡萄糖註射液

Dextran 70 in Sodium Chloride Inj. 右旋糖苷70氯化鈉註射液

Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Inj. 葡萄糖氯化鈉註射液

Dextrose Inj. 葡萄糖註射液

Diatrizoate Meglumine and Diatrizoate Sodium Inj. 泛影葡胺和泛影酸鈉註射液

Diatrizoate Meglumine Inj. 泛影葡胺註射液

Diatrizoate Sodium Inj. 泛影酸鈉註射液

Diazepam Inj. 地西泮註射液

Diazoxied Inj. 二氮嗪註射液

Dibucaine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸辛可卡因註射液

Dicydlomine Hydrochioride Inj. 鹽酸雙環西林註射液

Diethylstilbestrlo Diphosphate Inj. 磷酸乙烯雌酚註射液

Diethylstilbestrlo Inj. 已稀雌酚註射液

Digitoxin Inj. 洋地黃毒苷註射液

Digoxin Inj. 地高辛註射液

Dihydroergotamine Mesylate Inj. 甲磺雙氫麥角胺註射液

Dihydrostreptomycin Inj. 雙氫鏈黴素註射液

Dihydrostreptomycin Sulfate 硫酸雙氫鏈黴素

Dihydrostreptomycin Sulphate 硫酸雙氫鏈黴素

Dimethicone 二甲矽油

Dimethyl Sulfoxide Irrigation 二甲亞碸灌註液

Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸苯海拉明註射液

Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate 磷酸氫二鉀

Dipotassium Phosphate 磷酸氫二鉀

Disodium Pamidronate Intravenous Infusion 帕米膦酸鈉靜脈輸液

Dobutamine for Inj. 註射用多巴酚丁胺

Dobutamine in Dextrose Injection 多巴酚丁胺葡萄糖註射液

Dobutamine Inj. 多巴酚丁胺註射液

Dobutamine Intravenous Infusion 多巴酚丁胺靜脈輸液

Dopamine Hydrochloride and Dextrose Inj. 鹽酸多巴胺葡萄糖註射液

Dopamine Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸多巴胺註射液

Doxapram Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸多沙普侖註射液

Doxorubicin Hydrochloride 鹽酸阿黴素

Doxorubicin Hydrochloride for Inj. 註射用鹽酸阿黴素

Doxorubicin Hydrochloride for Injection 註射用鹽阿黴素

Doxorubicin Hydrochloride Inj. 鹽酸阿黴素註射液

Doxorubicin Injection 阿黴素註射液

Doxycycine for Inj. 註射用強力黴素

Doxycycine Hyclate 強力黴素

Doxycycline Hyclate 鹽酸強力黴素

Doxycycline Hyclate 強力黴素

Dried Iodinated[125I]Fibrinogen 幹燥碘[125I]化纖維蛋白原

Droperidol Inj. 氟哌利註射液

Dyphylline Inj. 二羥丙基茶堿註射液

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