當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 幫我區分下nutrition和nutrional和nutrient單詞的意思



nutrition 名詞

/ nju?tr?n; US nu?-; nuˋtrn/ n [U]

(process of giving and receiving) nourishment; food 營養; 滋養; 食物: adequate nutrition of the body 身體需要的充足的營養 * This food provides all the nutrition your dog needs. 本食品含有狗所必需的壹切營養.

the study of human diet 營養學: a number of books on nutrition 若幹本營養學的書.


nutritional / -?nl; -?n?l/ 形容詞

adj: the nutritional value of a food 某種食物的營養價值.

第三.nutrient 可以是名詞,也可以是形容詞

/ ?nju?tr?nt; US ?nu?-; ˋnutr?nt/ n, adj (fml 文) (substance) serving as or providing nourishment, esp for plants or animals 營養的, 滋養的(物質): Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil. 植物從泥土中吸收礦物質和其他養料.
