當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 求幾個漢語詞語的英文單詞翻譯,急用!!!!


1。 stand high above the masses

2。 lyric 是歌詞的意思。the content of a song 歌詞內容

3。 virtue 美德,優秀的品質

4。 honor: (1)光榮,榮幸。(做此意,感到光榮或榮幸)(2)榮譽,名譽,聲譽。(在此是中性的,就是聲譽或尊嚴的意思。)如:捍衛祖國的榮譽(3)榮譽稱號,獎勵,頭銜。如:win the highest honour.贏得最高榮譽。(其實就是獲得最高獎勵,獲得最高頭銜的另壹種說法。)

glory: 榮譽,光榮,桂冠。(在此是因為做出成就或有價值而贏得的好的be far removed from the masses and reality


virtue goodness morality excellence 美德,這些詞均可

libretto lyrics song lyrics



honours [pl] specialized course for a university degree or high level of distinction reached in it (大學)榮譽學位課程, 優等成績: [attrib 作定語] an honours degree course in French literature 法國文學榮譽學位課程.


{C, U] special cause for pride, respect or honour 產生驕傲、 崇敬或榮耀的原因: One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial. 英國人引以自豪的傳統之壹是有獲得公正審判的權利.



honour 1

(US honor) / ?n?(r); ˋɑn?/ n

[U, sing] source of pride and pleasure; privilege 光榮; 榮幸: the seat of honour at the head of the table 上首席位 * It is a great honour to be invited. 承蒙邀請, 十分榮幸.

[U] (a) good personal character; strong sense of what is morally right 節操; 正義感: a man of honour 品德高尚的人 * Honour demands that he should resign. 為了保持氣節, 他應該辭職. (b) reputation for greatness, good behaviour, truthfulness, etc 榮譽; 名譽; 信譽: fight for the honour of one's country 為祖國的榮譽而戰 * My honour is at stake. 我的名譽利害攸關.

[U] great respect; high public regard 崇敬; 公眾表示的敬意: They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他們肅立向她致敬.

[sing] an ~ to sth/sb a person or thing that brings credit to sth/sb 給某事物[某人]增光的人或事物: She is an honour to her profession. 她是同行的光榮.

[C usu pl 通常作復數] thing given as a distinction or mark of respect, esp an official award for achievement or bravery 作為榮譽或尊敬的標誌而授予之事物(尤指為表揚成績或英勇行為而正式授予的): bury a person with full military honours, ie with a special ceremony to honour the dead soldier 以隆重的軍葬禮埋葬死者 * Birthday/New Year Honours, ie titles, decorations, etc awarded in Britain by the Sovereign on his or her birthday or on 1 January each year 英國國王或女王在其誕辰或元旦之日授予的榮譽稱號、 勛章等.

honours [pl] specialized course for a university degree or high level of distinction reached in it (大學)榮譽學位課程, 優等成績: [attrib 作定語] an honours degree course in French literature 法國文學榮譽學位課程.

your/his/her Honour [sing] (used to or about certain judges or people of importance as a title of respect 用作對某些法官或顯要人士的尊稱): I plead innocent, your Honour. 我不認罪, 法官大人.

[C esp pl 尤作復數] (in card-games) any of the cards of highest value (紙牌戲中)最大點數的牌: hold five spades to (ie of which the highest is) an honour 手中有五張黑桃, 其中有壹張大牌.

[U] (in golf) right of driving off first (高爾夫球 的)先打權: It's `your honour, partner. 夥伴, 該妳先打.

(idm 習語) a debt of honour => debt. do sb `honour (fml 文) show respect for sb 向某人表示敬意或致敬: Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour. 五十位國家元首參加了女王的加冕典禮, 向女王表示敬意. do sb an honour; do sb the honour (of doing sth) (fml 文) give sb a privilege 給某人以特權; 使某人有特殊的榮幸: You do us a great honour by attending. 妳肯光臨使我們感到無比榮幸. * Will you do me the honour of dining with me? 可否賞光與我壹起吃飯? do the `honours (infml 口) act as host or hostess; perform some social duty or small ceremony 盡主人之誼; 履行某種社交責任; 執行某種小禮儀: Who's going to pour the tea shall I do the honours? 誰管斟茶--我來斟好嗎? have the honour (of sth) (fml 文) be granted the privilege specified 獲得某種特權; 獲得某種特殊的榮幸: May I have the honour of this dance? 可以賞光和我跳這個舞嗎? * To whom do I have the honour of speaking? 能跟您談話十分榮幸, 請問尊姓大名? (there is) honour among `thieves (saying 諺) criminals often have their own standards of behaviour that they live by 罪犯往往也有賴以生存的行為準則; 盜亦有道. honours are `even the contest is level 比賽打成平局: Both teams have won the same number of games so honours are even between them. 兩隊積分相同, 比賽結果不分勝負. (in) honour `bound (to do sth) required to do sth as a moral duty but not by law 道義上應做某事的; 理應做的(非硬性規定的): I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我覺得不參加不大好, 因為是我答應過的事. in honour of sb/sth; in sb's/sth's honour out of respect for sb/sth 出於對某人[某事物]的敬意: a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle 為紀念陣亡將士而舉行的儀式. on one's honour (to do sth) under a moral obligation (to do sth) 在道義的促使下(做某事). on my `honour I swear it 我發誓; 我以人格擔保: I promise I'll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格擔保, 壹定把錢還給妳. a point of honour => point1.put sb on his, etc `honour make sb promise solemnly to do sth 使某人鄭重承諾做某事. one's word of honour => word.

# `honours list (Brit) list of people given titles, decorations, etc by the Sovereign (國君授予稱號、 勛章等的)榮譽名冊.

U] high fame and honour won by great achievements 光榮; 榮譽: glory won on the field of battle 戰場上贏得的榮譽 * a proud father basking in his son's reflected glory, ie sharing the fame achieved by his son 因兒子的榮耀其父感到驕傲 * Our team didn't exactly cover itself with glory today, eg was heavily defeated. 我隊今天未能真正載譽而歸(如遭慘敗). * The regiment's motto was `Death or Glory'. 該團隊的座右銘是‘誓死爭取榮譽’.

[U] (Bible 聖經) worship, adoration and thanksgiving 崇敬; 贊美; 贊頌; 感恩: `Glory to God in the highest.' 在至高之處榮耀歸與神‘願榮耀歸於至高之處的上帝.’

[U] beauty; splendour 美麗; 壯麗: the glory of a sunset, a summer's day, etc 美麗的日落、 夏日等 * the countryside in all its glory 氣象萬千的郊野.

[C, U] special cause for pride, respect or honour 產生驕傲、 崇敬或榮耀的原因: One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial. 英國人引以自豪的傳統之壹是有獲得公正審判的權利.


lingoes 聲譽)fame,praise or honor that is given to sb. because they have achieved sth. important.如:活兒都是我幹,榮譽都是他得。I do all the work and he gets all the glory.
