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 中專生 secondary specialized or technical school student

 助學行動 activity to assist the impoverished students

 自費留學 go to study abroad at one?s own expense

 自費研究生 self-supporting graduate student

 自學考試教材 self-taught examination textbooks

 綜合素質 comprehensive quality

 歸國留學生 returned students

 函授大學 correspondence university

 計劃內招生 planned enrollment

 教工 teachers and staff

 交流學者 exchange scholar

 教書育人 impart knowledge and educate people

 教務處 dean?s office

 教學法 pedagogy/teaching method

 教研室 teaching and research division

 教育亂收費 unauthorized collection of fees by

 educational institutions

 教育質量 quality of education

 借讀生 transient student

 機讀形式 machine-readable form

 進修班 class for further studies

 軍訓 military training

 考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate


 考研熱 the craze for graduate school

 課件 courseware

 課間操 exercise between classes

 客座教授 guest professor

 留學咨詢 consulting on the study abroad

 錄取通知書 letter of admission/acceptance letter

 論文答辯 (thesis)oral defence

 錄取分數線 entry score

 模擬測試 mock test/simulated exam

 評職稱 professional evaluation

 普通高等教育 regular higher education

 普通高校 regular institutions of higher learning

 強化班 intensive training class

 人才市場 the personnel market

 文憑diplomas and certificates

 應試教育the examination-oriented education

 義務教育 compulsory education

 復合型人才 interdisciplinary talents

 文化底蘊 the rich cultural deposits

 大學生創業the university students?innovative


 擴招 expand enrollment

 高分低能 good scores but low qualities

 退學 drop out of the school

 形成淘汰制度 frame an elimination system

 因材施教 teaching student according to their aptitude

 德才兼備 possess political integrity and professional


 品學兼優 be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar

 提高學生身心素質 improve the health and psychological


 適應社會的改變 adjust to the social changes quickly

 滿足社會的急需 meet the urgent need of the society

 保護知識產權 protect the intellectual property

 才疏學淺 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge

 努力獲得精神文明 make efforts to seek cultural and

 ideological progress

 減輕負擔 reduce the heavy burdens

 博導 Ph.D.supervisor/doctoral advisor

 博士生 Ph.D candidate

 註水文憑 diploma obtained by using unfair or unlawful


 成人中等職業技術教育 adult secondary vocational and

 technical educationa

 成人中等專科學校secondary specialized school for adult

 成人高考 the national higher education exams for self-

 taught adults

 大專生 junior college student

 大專文憑 associate degree

 助學貸款 student loan

 第二學位 second Bachelor?s degree

 點名冊 roll book

 電大 college courses broadcast on television

 電子詞典 electronic dictionary

 定向招生 enroll students who are pre-assigned to special

 posts or areas

 定向生 targeted-area student

 高才生 top student

 公務員civil servant

 三好學生 merit/three good student(good in study,attitude

 and health)

 雙學位 double degree/two Bachelor?s degree

 思想道德教育ideological and moral education

 特困 special difficulty/exceptional poverty

 文科 liberal arts

 現代遠程教育 modern distance education

 校園數字化 campus digitalization

 校園歌曲 campus song

 校園文化 campus culture

 校訓 school motto

 學分 academic credit

 學分制 academic credit system

 學科帶頭人 academic leader

 學歷教育 education with record of formal schooling

 學前教育 preschool education

 學生處 students? affairs division

 學生減負 alleviate the burdens on students

 學時 credit hour

 學術報告 academic report

 應屆畢業生 this year?s graduates

 在職博士生 on-job doctorate

 在職研究生 on ?job postgraduate

 招生辦公室 admissions office

 職高 vocational high school

 職業教育和繼續教育 vocational education and continuing
