義務:obligation, liability,具體視乎語境而言,選擇使用。後者多數用於合同違約義務。
義務:obligation, liability,具體視乎語境而言,選擇使用。後者多數用於合同違約義務。
[詞典] [法] right and duty;
The constitution provides for citizens 'rights and obligations.
乙方的權利和義務 如何用英語說
the rights and obligations of Party B / the second party
求 勞動合同中雙方基本權利和義務 英文翻譯
First, the basic rights and obligations of both sides
1, in accordance with the law Party to establish a system to verify the registration of workers employed in the first working day prior to the B and B signed this contract. Cancel the contract in advance, or Party A Party B should be on the 20th ahead of the other party notice in writing.
2, the establishment of vocational training system for Party A, B continuously improve the professional skills; an active part in one's own Party organizations, vocational skills training, and strive to do the job labor contract requirements.
3, A and B in accordance with both national and local governments with the relevant provisions of social security.
4, Party A to establish and improve labor safety and hygiene systems, strict implementation of national work safet叮 standards and strictly enforce the country on special operations, women and minors special protection, labor safety for B of health education for B Provided in line with the state labor safety and hygiene conditions and the need for labor protection products. B strict pliance with safety procedures and management of Party A has the right to refuse illegal mand, or force operating risks; harm to the safety and health of the act, have the right to criticize, to report and prosecute.
5, Party A law to establish and improve labor discipline and rules and regulations to protect the dignity of the human person B, and the personal safety of remun......>>
“對妳好是我的權利不是義務”的英文怎麽說,謝謝誒! 5分
It is my power to good for you rather than pulsory.