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貝斯:Marco (原貝斯手Sami V?nsk?已經於2001年離開樂隊)

Name: 姓名

Marco Tapani Hietala

Birthday: 生日


Place of residence: 出生地

Kerava, Finland

Hobbies: 興趣

Sci-fi, fantasy & horror books and movies, Videogaming


Vices: 缺點

Still lazy 懶

Musical background: 音樂背景

Active musical family background. I?ve been exposed to jazz, rock and classical ever since I was born. I?ve been playing guitar and bass since the age of 12. 3 years of classical guitar, vocal and musical theory studies in musical college. 2 more years of bass and musical theory lessons in Oulunkyl? Pop and Jazz Conservatory.

活躍的音樂世家。從我出生那時起我被迫(瞧這詞用的。。悲慘的童年?)學習爵士,搖滾,古典樂。我在12,3歲那年就已經開始在音樂學校學習演奏吉他,貝司還有樂理。之後的2年在Oulunkyl? Pop和Jazz Conservatory.學習了更多的貝司和樂理Equipment: 裝備

Warwick infinity basses and Warwick amps

Idols in music: 音樂偶像

These people are/have been good at what they do. Bass: Geezer Butler, Bob Daisley. Vocals: Ronnie James Dio, Rob Halford, Kate Bush.


Idols in life: 生活偶像

Neil Armstrong. (The first man to walk on the moon, or an obscure patch of desert in states, as some people claim).

Neil Armstrong阿姆斯壯(美國宇航員,1969年7月登陸月球,成為第壹個登上月球的地球人)

Life philosophy: 生活哲學

Live and let live. 待人寬, 人亦待己寬

Place you would like to go: 想去的地方

Space. 宇宙

What makes you laugh: 能讓妳笑的

Tickling. 胳肢, 逗笑, 使高興, 使發癢(詞典裏的,差不多這意思~)

First record you bought: 買的第壹張專輯

Me and my brother pestered our father into buying the Rainbow album "Long live rock?n?roll". The first that I bought with my own money was probably Iron Maiden "Killers" or Black Sabbath "Mob rules". Can?t remember which.

我和我的兄弟纏著我爸爸幫我們賣Rainbow的Long live rock?n?roll,第壹次我用自己的錢買的專輯是 Iron Maiden 的Killers或者是Black Sabbath 的Mob rules,記不清了

All time top 5 albums: 永遠的前5張專輯

Rainbow: Long Live Rock?n?Roll, Black Sabbath: Heaven and Hell, Judas Priest: Painkiller, Thin Lizzy: Live ?n?Dangerous, Deep purple: Burn. And then there?s a hell of a load of other albums that I like as much as these.

Personal highlight with Nightwish: 個人在NW中的亮點

The album "Once" and the success that kept on growing and surpassing all our expectations.


德國的Wacken , 英國的Hammersmith , 芬蘭的Hartwall arena Helsinki

Killing time on tour:在旅途中如何打發時間

Books, movies, videogames, occasional drink?


Strangest experience on tour: 在巡回演出中最奇怪的經歷

Hey, it?s all strange!

嘿,所有的東西都很奇怪 所謂的大千世界,無奇不有?

Worst nightmare on stage: 在舞臺上最糟糕的惡夢

Losing the voice. 失去聲音

Worst nightmare in general: 平時最糟糕的惡夢

Something bad would happen to my family when I?m away, and couldn?t do anything.


Favorite Nightwish song: 最喜歡的NW的歌曲

The Siren.

Favorite band/musician: 最喜歡的樂隊,歌手

I don?t have an actual favourite anymore, but Black Sabbath and the way Tony Iommi wrote his riffs have definetely influenced the way I see music and play myself.

壹般不怎麽稱得上是最喜歡,但是Black Sabbath 還有Tony Iomm寫他即興表演的歌曲的方式給我留下了很深的影響

Favorite book: 喜歡的書

Yep, The lord of the rings. Is this a cliche or what?


Favorite drink:喜歡的飲料

Lager beer 啤酒

Favorite food:喜歡的食物

Finnish sausage called "lenkki"


Favorite movie: 喜歡的電影

Still the original Star Wars Trilogy.


Favorite TV show: 喜歡的電視劇

I think that the TV is just a natural extension of a DVD-player or a game console. Otherwise it?s basically a waste of time. I?ll still go for the Babylon 5. There might be something better these days, but this one made an impact on me.

我認為電視機只是DVD和電視遊戲的周邊產物,否則那基本是浪費時間,我壹般只看看Babylon 5。現在可能有所改善,但是依然只有那個臺比較能打動我

Dumbest question you have ever been asked:被問到最難以回答的問題

Would you give me your own and your bandmates birthdates, adresses and phonenumbers?


Oh yeah! The occasional drink. Best Nightwish show so far: 最近NW最好的演出

There?s been way too many great shows for me to pick just one. Greatest recently in 2005 were probably Wacken Germany, Hammersmith England, Hartwall arena Helsinki Finland just to mention a few