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dry英音:[drai]美音:[dra?0?1] 以下結果由譯典通提供詞典解釋 形容詞 a. 1.幹的;幹燥的 The paint is not yet dry. 油漆還未幹。 2.幹旱的 That state has a dry climate in winter. 該州冬天氣候幹燥。 3.(使)口渴的 4.(面包等)不塗奶油(果醬)的[B] He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast. 他設法吞下壹點湯和不塗奶油的土司。 5.無淚的 6.(酒等)不甜的,無果味的 She asked for a dry martini. 她要了壹杯幹馬提尼酒。 7.幹枯的;(母牛)無奶的 8.禁酒的 The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed. 船上是禁酒的,不準賣含酒精的飲料。 9.(玩笑、幽默)壹本正經表達出來的;不露感情的 He had a good sense of humor and his dry accounts of the encounter delighted his listeners. 他很有幽默感,他對這次遭遇的不動聲色的敘述給他的聽眾帶來許多樂趣。 10.枯燥乏味的 It is a dry novel. 那是本枯燥無味的小說。 及物動詞 vt. 1.把...弄幹;使幹燥 She dried her tears with a handkerchief. 她用手帕擦幹了眼淚。 2.曬幹;風幹 They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes. 他們坐在爐火前以烘幹他們的濕衣服。 不及物動詞 vi. 1.幹,變幹 Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season. 衣服在雨季不易幹。 名詞 n. 1.俚信服撒切爾夫人的政治意識的保守政客