1 a record of goods sold or services performed together with the costs due <why is the electric bill so high this month?> 表示費用的賬單
2 a piece of printed paper used as money in the United States <the $20 bill has a picture of Andrew Jackson on the front> 美國的通用貨幣的叫法
3 a sheet bearing an announcement for posting in a public place <posted a bill advertising the new play>公***場合的宣告
4 the amount owed at a bar or restaurant or the slip of paper stating the amount <although they were all working adults, their father still insisted on paying the bill whenever they went out to eat> 酒吧和餐廳的賬單
5 a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislature <the fair housing bill of the 1960s> 政府宣布的行為準則(尤其是立法機構頒布的)