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People's Republic of China National Chairman, Vice-Chairman direct orders from the highest organ of state power by the National People's Congress elections.

Under the existing Constitution, the People's Republic of China National Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the candidates must have two conditions, first, political conditions. Candidates must be citizens of the PRC, with People's Republic of China nationality; candidate must have the right to vote and to be elected. The second is age. Candidates must be at least 45 years of age. 1982 Constitution amended in 1954 National Chairman of the Constitution regarding the candidate's age, that is 35 years of age changed to 45 years of age. This is because the country the chairmanship of the country and the people, at stake. State President to be politically mature, experienced, experience a wide range of high reputation and prestige of the citizens, if not a certain age, it is difficult to have these conditions.

National Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the generation process in general are: the National People's Congress meeting, the elected representatives of the Bureau of the Conference, the meeting proposed by the Bureau National Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the list of candidates, discussed by the delegation. And, the Bureau of the Conference in accordance with the principle of majority to establish an official list of candidates with equal elections approach, submitted to the General Assembly vote, resulting in President and Vice-Chairman. With the country's political democratization process in depth, matching the elections will be a gradual transition to a difference between the elections.

1982 Constitution also provides that the National Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the power of removal can only be made by the exercise of National People's Congres. That is, in addition to the National People's Congress other than any of the organs, political parties, social organizations and individuals have no right to recall the President and Vice-Chairman.