托福涉及的有關介詞的題目重復性很強,而且有規律可循。只要考生善於總結、記憶,還是可以保證得滿分的。介詞題目主要分布在Written Expression(16-40題)中,出題點主要集中在(1)含有介詞的固定短語,(2)含有特定含義的介詞誤用。
(1)Most aquatic animals breathe by means external respiratory organs called gills.
(答案)C 正確的短語為by means of,其中的介詞of不能省略
(2) Speed refers only toward the rate of mution without specifying any direction of motion.(94.8)
(答案)A 正確短語形式為refer to
(3) Historical geology deals about data on the development of the Earth gathered from the study of rocks, which are analyzed to determine their age and composition. (93.8)
(答案) A正確短語式式為deal with.
(4)The diamond is the only gemstone composed with just one chemical element, carbon.
(答案) A 正確短語形式為。Be composed of
(5) Best known for his research in statistical mechanics and meson physics. Chen Ning Yang shared the Nobel Prize in 1957 to another physicist from the United States, Tsung-dao Lee.
(答案) C 正確的短語搭配為 share.......with
(6)The doctrine of eminent domain is based the legal tradition that all real property is subject to the control of the state.
(答案) A 正確的短語形式為be based on 其中的介詞on不能省掉。
2. 介詞用錯
解題要點 介詞與後面的名詞通常有固定的搭配習慣,或有特定的語意功能,不能隨意更換。通常,介詞畢有含義,不同的介詞會使整個句子表達不同的意思。當A、B、C、D四個選擇答案中出現單獨劃線的介詞,應首先考慮它是否使用正確。
(1)Scientists claim that an individual can function from about three days when totally deprived of sleep.
(答案) C from應改用for。表示動作延續的時間應用介詞for。
(2) Canadian scarlet-clad guards and mounties with horseback are part of the summer scenery in Ottawa.
(答案) B with改為on,?騎在馬背上?應用介詞on表示位置。