1) 妳最註重以下哪個方面?
A. 衛生 B. 出品 C. 味道 D. 價格 E.其他___________
What do you consider more?
Hygene, Brand, Taste, Price, Other
2) 如果食物非常美味,但不夠健康,妳會舍棄健康而選擇美味嗎?
A. 會 B. 不會 C. 視情況而定
Will you choose the yummy instead of a little unheath?
Yes, No, It depends
3) 妳在小食方面會花費多少錢?
How much will you spend on the snacks?
A. 5-15元 B. 15-25元 C.25-35元 D.50元或以上
5-15yuan, 15-20yuan, 25-35yuan, 50yuan or above
4) 妳認為豆腐的價格最為合理?
How much do you think the tofu worthes?
A. 1-5元 B.5 -10元 C. 10-15元 D.15元或以上
1-5yuan, 5-10yuan, 10-15yuan, 15yuan or above
5) 妳壹般在什麽情況下吃小食?
When do you usually have the snacks?
A. 饑餓時 B. 口饞時 C. 嘗試味道 D.其他__________
In hunger, In eager, In curisity, Other
6) 妳通過什麽渠道了解本店?
A. 傳單 B. 網絡 C.雜誌 D.別人介紹 E.其他________
In what way do you know our cafe?
By bill, By net, By magazine, By other's introduction, Other
7) 妳希望本店的營業時間為?
A. 6 .00-23.00 B. 7 .00 - 00 .00 C. 24小時
How long do you expect our cafe opens?
6:00-23:00, 7:00-0:00, All day
8) 妳喜歡外賣還是在店內食用?
A. 外賣 B. 店內
Do you like the take-away food or eating in the cafe?
Take-away, In the cafe
9) 妳希望如何得到優惠?
A. 學生卡 B. 優惠券 C. 積分卡 D. 其他_______
What discount do you want?
Students' VIP card, Discount paper, Score card, Other
10) 妳希望我們的廚房是開放式還是封閉式?
A. 開放式 B. 封閉式
Do you like our kitchen being open or sealed?
Open, Sealed
11) 妳對豆腐有何了解?
A. 知道豆腐的歷史 B. 知道它的好處 C. 不了解
How do you know about tofu?
Knowing its history, Knowing its advantages, Nothing
12) 妳身邊的人喜歡吃豆腐嗎?
A. 有 B.有,但很少 C. 沒有 D.不知道
Do the people around you like eating tofu?
Yes, Yes, but a little, No, I don't know
13) 妳吃豆腐的原因是:
A. 喜歡 B. 健康 C. 便宜 D. 其他_________
For what reason do you eat tofu?
Fancy, Health, Cheap, Other
14) 妳平時多長時間會吃壹次豆制品?
A. 經常 B. 壹周壹至三次 C. 壹個月壹至三次 D.幾乎不
How often do you usually eat bean-made food?
Usually, One to three times one week, One to three times one month, Hardly
15) 妳平日吃的豆制品大多是:
A. 成品 B. 半成品 C. 自己做 D.其他_______
The bean-made food you eat usually are:
Instant food, Half-instant food, Made myself, Other
16) 妳喜歡哪種方法烹飪豆腐:
A. 清蒸 B. 煎 C. 炸 D.其他________
How do you cook tofu?
Steaming, Cooking in oil, Frying, Other
17) 豆制品中,妳吃的最多的是:
A. 豆腐 B. 豆漿 C. 豆幹 D. 豆腐皮 E. 豆腐卷 F. 豆奶 G.腐竹
In the bean-made food below, the most you eat is
Tofu, Beanjuice, Dried tofu, Skins of beanjuice, Scrolls of dried tofu, Beanmilk, Fermented skins of beanjuice