amble [] vi.(馬)緩行、從容漫步,n.(馬的)緩行步態、漫步,如句子:He ambled around the park他在公園裏漫步;
funambulist [] n.走鋼絲(或繩索)的雜技演員(或藝人),拉丁詞根fun表示繩子,所以字面意思就是“someone walking on a rope”,呵呵,提心吊膽的懸在半空中,可沒有多少“fun樂趣”可言呀;
ambulance [] n.救護車,因為壹般都配備有應急醫療設施,所以顧名思義,救護車就是就是能“行走”的壹個“流動醫院”;
noctambulant [] adj.夜間步行的、夢遊的、夜遊的,拉丁詞根noct表示夜晚,實際來自希臘詞根nyct,同樣表示夜晚、黑夜、黑暗。在希臘神話中,黑夜女神叫Nyx(羅馬神話中叫做Nox),傳說她住在沈重的鐵塊也需要九天九夜才能掉到底的冥府最深處,唯壹的職責就是當白晝之神Hemera返回時自己升到地面上,給世界帶來無邊的黑夜;
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
Reprove your friend privately, commend him publicly---Solon,ancient Greece statesman and poet.