當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 請求英語好的幫我分析壹下,下面幾句話的語法


1. 翻譯:該學院撰寫了壹份報告,揭示了關於構成鍋爐的水、水蒸氣及各種金屬之間如何相互作用的重大發現,報告中還包括強烈推薦為制造、維護及檢測鍋爐制定標準。

這句話中,前半句 the institute produced a report that revealed major discoveries about how water and steam and the various metals that boilers were made of interacted裏,the institute produced a report是主句, that 作為引導詞引導的定語從句修飾report,在定語從句that revealed major discoveries about how water and steam and the various metals that boilers were made of interacted中,that是主語,revealed是謂語,major discoveries是賓語,about是定語修飾discoveries,about後面那個句子比較復雜,that boilers were made of是water and steam and the various metals 的定語,意思是:構成鍋爐的水、水蒸氣及各種金屬,假如把這個定語去掉就很容易理解了: how water and steam and the various metals interacted,水、水蒸氣及各種金屬是如何相互作用的。

後半句就比較容易理解了,the report included strong recommendations 是主句,for setting standards 是定語修飾recommendations,而for manufacturing, maintaining, and inspecting boilers是定語修飾standards,意思是:制造、維護及檢測鍋爐的標準。

2. 第壹個詞應該是the而不是he吧?


這句話中,主句是:The great blackouts revealed collapsing and led to reforms and redundancies.其中revealed 和led to 並列成為The great blackouts的謂語。 in those systems 是 reforms and redundancies 的定語,that have prevented anything so crippling from happening since這個that 引導的定語從句修飾reforms and redundancies :reforms and redundancies have prevented anything so crippling from happening(這些改革和減負阻止了如此嚴重的事情發生)。

3. 翻譯:盡管保證輪船的安全本身就是個巨大的成就,但這次行動的意義遠遠不止這些。

這句話中,理解了讓步狀語從句中that 和itself的指代,就不難理解整個句子的含義了。that 和itself都是指make steamboat safe這件事。