prep. 在 ... 之上;由 ... 支撐著;在(某壹天);關於;基於
adv. 穿著;向前(移動);表示持續性
adj. 表示已連接、處於工作狀態或使用中;發生;值班
prep. (介詞)
a word that shows where; over; besides
a word that shows when; during
(表示方向)向,往,朝; 沿著,順著
a word that shows direction; towards
(表示狀態)系於,懸於; 附於
a word that shows state; tied to; hung on
a word that shows means; by
intended to belong to or be given to
because of sth
a word that shows compare
a word that shows position
a word that shows situation, in
a word that shows degree, l