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1. 《朝花夕拾》 文言文對照翻譯

《二十四孝圖》 我總要上下四方尋求,得到壹種最黑,最黑,最黑的咒文,先來詛咒壹切反對白話,妨害白話者。

即使人死了真有靈魂,因這最惡的心,應該墮入地獄,也將決不改悔,總要先來詛咒壹切反對白話,妨害白話者。 自從所謂“文學革命”以來,供給孩子的書籍,和歐、美、日本的壹比較,雖然很可憐,但總算有圖有說,只要能讀下去,就可以懂得的了。


或者說,那就是《開河記》上所載的,給隋煬帝開河,蒸死小兒的麻叔謀;正確地寫 起來,須是“麻胡子”。那麽,這麻叔謀乃是胡人了。


只要對於白話來加以謀害者,都應該滅亡! 這些話,紳士們自然難免要掩住耳朵的,因為就是所謂“跳到半天空,罵得體無完膚,——還不肯罷休。”而且文士們壹定也要罵,以為大悖於“文格”,亦即大損於“人格”。


倘若無意中竟已撞上了,那就即刻跌下來罷。然而在跌下來的中途,當還未到地之前,還要說壹遍:—— 只要對於白話來加以謀害者,都應該滅亡! 每看見小學生歡天喜地地看著壹本粗細的《兒童世界》之類,另想到別國的兒童用書的精美,自然要覺得中國兒童的可憐。


我的小同學因 為專讀“人之初性本善”讀得要枯燥而死了,只好偷偷地翻開第壹葉,看那題著“文星高照”四個字的惡鬼壹般的魁星像,來滿足他幼稚的愛美的天性。昨天看這個,今天也看這個,然而他們的眼睛裏還閃出蘇醒和歡喜的光輝來。


這所報的也並非“睚眥之怨”,因為那地 方是鬼神為君,“公理”作宰,請酒下跪,全都無功,簡直是無法可想。在中國的天地間,不但做人,便是做鬼,也艱難極了。

然而究竟很有比陽間更好的處所:無所謂“紳士”,也沒有“流言”。 陰間,倘要穩妥,是頌揚不得的。

尤其是常常好弄筆墨的人,在現在的中國,流言的治 下,而又大談“言行壹致”的時候。前車可鑒,聽說阿而誌跋綏夫曾答壹個少女的質問說, “惟有在人生的事實這本身中尋出歡喜者,可以活下去。




然而,對於陰間,我終於已經頌揚過了,無法追改;雖有“言行不符”之嫌,但確沒有受過閻王或小鬼的半文津貼,則差可以自解。總而言之,還是仍然寫下去罷:—— 我所看的那些陰間的圖畫,都是家藏的老書,並非我所專有。


那裏面的故事,似乎是誰都知道的;便是不識字的人,例如阿長,也只要壹看圖畫便能夠滔滔地講出這壹段的事跡。但是,我於高興之余, 接著就是掃興,因為我請人講完了二十四個故事之後,才知道“孝”有如此之難,對於先前癡心妄想,想做孝子的計劃,完全絕望了。


不過年幼無知,只用了私見來解釋“孝順”的做法,以為無非是“聽話”,“從命”,以及長大之後,給年老的父母好好地吃飯罷了。 自從得了這壹本孝子的教科書以後,才知道並不然,而且還要難到幾十幾百倍。



2. 文章漢英翻譯

用有道詞典翻譯的··· In order to improve our high school students' oral English, my school student association to a English-speaking contest, the hope has - interest and the ability of the students actively participate in, time signing up: September 25 before, enrollment sites: student office. Playing time: on October 9 p.m., venue: foreign buildings to the fifth floor hall. To get top five other rewards。

3. 英語短文漢英翻譯

we are good friends ,we are bosom friend.It's you who let me exprience another friendship,it's you who give the power to change myself,my life may be will change beacuse of you .you always do something that i unexpected, Maybe you are right ,we just have the pure friendship,I also agree it,Thank you for giving the support of spirit,i will never fet you 。

4. 中英文翻譯``要通順``

An evaluation,


either this year reported that children on thr school made20 months progress in just on year ,


whereas similarly weak readers without special heip made just five months progress,


and so ended the year even further below the level expected for their age.


5. 文言文翻譯英文 在線等




周公旦可以說是善於言辭的了,壹發言使得成王更重視說話,表明了愛撫弟弟的意思,又輔佐了王室。 英語 nto Wang Hetang uncle danger stays at ordinary times, take a sycamore leaves as stating, jade to shu yu of tang said: \"I use this letter you.\" Uncle danger delighted to tell it to the duke of zhou, zhou therefore to the king asking said: \"son of heaven to seal danger?\" And the king said: \"just kidding myself and tang suyu.\" Duke said: \"I hear that, son of heaven does not speak a joke. Right, the official to record, to the harvest, and to celebrate.\" Hence sealing shu yu of tang in jin. Duke of zhou is soft-spoken, attach more importance to speak a speech made into king, show the meaning of love brother, and for the royal family.。

6. 翻譯~~~漢英

One day, I find that I love him, But He did not know, Because I am afraid of being rejected, I am also ashamed to declare to him. Today, I found him with my good friends together, I decided to give him, Although he is really excellent, But I will not betray friendship. Another day, I liked a boy, He was very good, There are very good temper, basketball, But he is very handsome, We call him Little Prince, I am also afraid of failure, Because there are shy, My silent love him, But then one day, I suddenly heard someone say that he and a female together, and I am very sad, just like junior high school one time, as I put up with ~ Now that is destined to have the effect of this drama, Well, I live on a bar! As a result, I am determined to one person ~ I want a life! But Recently I found A boy is very funny, I suspect that they are not in love with him ~ I am afraid his love him, So hard to tell myself not to think that he But The more restraint and more control, I chose to silently crush bar ~ Anyway, all is not as I would like ~ Even if the confession had also no effect Mo Xiao Xi to a person living well Forever Lonely ~ ~ Even if a person should Tianhuangdelao Mo Xiao Xi I would like to make a lot of money, To feed themselves, as well as maintenance I Met Your Mother I want a man in the open living room dance I want a person in the room singing echoes I would like to send a person in Europe and the balcony meditation one person one person I was the only ~ ~ Wrote by Mo Xiaoxi 2009.10.21 16:00。