問題壹:餐桌上的“轉盤”英語怎麽說? 跟著我壹起來科普壹下吧!轉盤:Lazy Susan看到這個說法,大家是不是覺得很奇怪呢?為啥餐桌上的東西會和人名有關,而且還是個lazy性質的。其實,這裏是有壹個典故滴,且聽俺慢慢道來:首先來看 *** 中的說法:The Lazy Susan is monly used in many Chinese restaurants to facilitate dishes being ordered munally and shared.The term Lazy Susan made its first written appearance in a Vanity Fair advertisement for a Revolving Server or Lazy Susan in 1917, although their existence dates back to the 18th century. Prior to the use of the term 'Lazy Susan', they were referred to as dumbwaiters, a term today applied to a *** all elevator for transporting food There is no clear evidence as to the origin of the Susan part of Lazy Susan.原來這個名字還是大有來頭的,來自於小說Vanity Fair(《名利場》)中的……壹則廣告(汗!)……而其真正的來源則無法考證了。接著來看民間傳說:據說在美國,有個名叫Ssuan的女老板開了家飯店叫做Susan Restaurant,由於覺得要為顧客壹個個夾菜神馬的很麻煩,於是她就發明了這麽壹個轉盤擱桌子中間,讓食客自給自足。於是這樣的轉盤就被叫做“Lazy Susan”啦。
問題二:幸運轉盤用英文怎麽說 是賭場裏的那種嗎?如果是的話。。 Wheel of Fortune
問題三:請問馬路上的“大轉盤”用英語怎麽說啊? 應該翻譯成 Roundabout
The Russian had slammed on his brakes to go around the roundabout, and the two cars skidded into each other.
問題四:用英語,來寫轉盤。 turntable
問題五:轉盤遊戲用英語怎麽說 轉盤遊戲_
turntable game;jackpot
問題六:轉盤roullete英文怎麽說 不知道,,,
問題七:“餐桌轉盤”用英語怎麽說 餐桌轉盤
[詞典] mess kit; mess gear;
I want her to stay in China, he says, taking a little block of the honey toast that has suddenly appeared on the crowded lazy Susan.