VAT Return是VAT申報的意思,類似Tax Return也是
tax rebate ,tax refundf是退稅的意思,tax return 是報稅
return 做為名詞有報告書、所得稅申報書的意思
31. A certified report by an assessor, an election officer, a collector, or another official.
32. A formal tax statement on the required official form indicating taxable income, allowed deductions, exemptions, and the computed tax that is due.Also called In this sense, also called income tax return ,tax return
所得稅申報書:按官方所要求的格式填寫的正式稅務報告,表明應納稅部分的收入,允許折扣除量、免稅額、及應付的估算稅值也作 在此意義上也可稱作 income tax return,tax return