當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 汪堂家的主要研究成果


壹、主要著作(含編著)和譯著有(Main Works and Translations):

1. 《哲學的追問——哲學概念清淤錄之壹》(Inquiry into Philosophy—De-depositions of Philosophical Concepts,vol.1)復旦大學出版社,2012;

2. 《思路心語-生活世界的哲思》( Speaking of Mind on the Way to Thinking—Philosophical Reflection on Life –World ),上海人民出版社,2011;

3. 《汪堂家講德裏達》( Discourse of Tangjia Wang on Derrida),北京大學出版社, 2008;

4.《17世紀形而上學》 ( Metaphysics in 17 Century)(合作),人民出版社,2006;

5.《自我的覺悟》( Reflection on Ego),復旦大學出版社,1995;

6.《人生哲學》(Philosophy of Life)(合作),復旦大學出版社,2005;

7.《生命倫理學》(Bio-Ethics) (合作,沈銘賢主編),高等教育出版社,2003;

8.《心靈的秩序》( Order of Mind)(合作,陳根法主編),復旦大學出版社,1997;

9.《面向未來的抉擇》(Alternative toward Future)(主編者之壹和主要撰稿人之壹),復旦大學出版社, 2002;

10.《華夏百科大辭典》( Hua Xia Encyclopaedia, 於光遠主編,主要撰稿人之壹,華夏出版社,1997;

11.《外國哲學大詞典》( Great Dictionary of Foreign Philosophy, 主要撰稿人之壹,上海辭書出版社 2007;

12.《論文字學》(De la Grammatologie by J.Derrida, 德裏達著, 汪堂家譯),上海譯文出版社,1999,2005;

13.《無賴》德裏達著(Voyous by J.Derrida),汪堂家、李之哲譯)上海譯文出版社,2010;

14.《承認的過程》(Parcours de la reconnaissance , by P.Ricoeur, 利科著,汪堂家、李之哲譯)中國人民大學出版社,2011;

15.《活的隱喻》 (La Metaphore vive by P. Ricoeur, 利科著,汪堂家譯),上海譯文出版社,2004;

16.《春秋大義》 (The Spirit of Chinese People by Ku Hongming ,辜鴻銘著,收入《亂世奇文-辜鴻銘化外文錄》(汪堂家 編譯並點校《張文襄幕府紀聞》、《讀易草堂文集》等),上海人民出版社,2002;

17.《清流傳》(The Story of a Chinese Oxford Movement by Ku Hongming,辜鴻銘著),同上;

18.《尊王篇》(Papers from a Viceroy’s Yamen: a Chinese Plea for the Cause of Good Government and Civilization by Ku Hongming,辜鴻銘著),同上;

19.《尼采在西方》(Nietsche in The West, 劉小楓、倪為國主編,主要譯者之壹),上海三聯書店,2003;

20.《杜威全集.早期著作》(The Collected Works by J. Dewey——The Early Works )中文版 (***5卷,劉放桐主編,俞吾金、童世駿副主編,汪堂家常務副主編,華東師範大學出版社, 2010年;

21.《杜威全集.中期著作》(The Collected Works by J. Dewey——The Middle Works),中文版(***15卷),劉放桐主編,俞吾金、童世駿副主編,汪堂家常務副主編並主譯第15卷;華東師範大學出版社,2012;

22.《新黑格爾主義哲學論著選輯》(Selected Philosophical Writings of Neo-Hegelism),下卷,張世英主編,主要譯者之壹), 商務印書館,2002;

23.《弗洛姆哲學著作精選》(Essentials of Philosophical Works by Fromm, 黃頌傑主編,主要譯者之壹)上海人民出版社1997;

24.《西方宗教哲學文選》(Selected Papers of Western Philosophy of Religion, 張慶熊、胡景鍾主編,主要譯者之壹),上海人民出版社,2001;

25.《杜威、實用主義與現代哲學》(Dewey,Pragmatism and Contemporary Philosophy,俞吾金主編,張慶熊、汪堂家副主編), 人民出版社,2007;

26.《現代外國哲學》(Contemporary Foreign Philosophy)叢刊, 第二輯,俞吾金主編,張慶熊、汪堂家副主編),2011;

二、代表性論文(Selected Papers):

1. 多重經驗中的身體——試論“身體”概念對於杜威哲學的 意義( Body in Multi-Experience——On Significance of the Concept of Body for Philosophy of Dewey),《復旦學報》2012.4;

2.意誌現象學的轉折(The Turn of Phenomenology of Will),《外國哲學》(第23輯,商務印書館)2012.6;

3. Ritual: Meaning and Recognition, in: Ritual and Moral Life ( ed. by David Solomon el) Dordrecht: Springer, 2012;

4. Towards a Proper Relation between Men and Women, in: Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China ( ed. by Ruiping Fan) , Dordrecht: Springer ,2011;

5. Physician-Patient Relationship and Individualization of Treatment, Philosophy and Medicine, Vol.74( Bioethics and Moral Content). ed. by T. Engelhardt and L. Rasmussen.Dordrecht / New York /London: Kluwer Academic Publisher. 2002;

6.The Concept of Death in Levinas and Heidegger. Journal of Chinese Philosophy.ed.by Chung-ying Cheng, Supplement to Vol. 35, 2008;

7. Excellence through Honor in Management (Co-author) , Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.4, No.3, 2007;

8.死亡概念的綜合考慮 ( Synthetic Consideration of the Concept of Death), in: International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine(《中外醫學哲學》) . Vol.4,No.1, 2005, New York:Global Scholarly Publications;

9.隱喻:翻譯與詮釋( Metaphor: Translation and Interpretation),《現象學與當代哲學》(Phenomenology& Contemporary Philosophy, Hongkong / Taipei, 香港、臺北)Vol. 2,2008;

10. 文本、間距化與解釋的可能性(Text,Distanciation and Possibilities of Explanation),《學術界》2011.11;

11. “進步”概念的哲學重審(Philosophical Re-Examination of the Concept of Progress),《復旦學報》2010.10;

12. 科學、科學精神與人文精神——杜威眼中的科學對於精神生活的意義 ( Science, Scientific Spirit and Humanized Spirit ——Significance of Science in the Eyes of Dewey for Our Life of Spirit )《學術月刊》2009.11;

13. 我們需要什麽樣的哲學教育( What Kind of Philosophical Education do We Need?),《探索與爭鳴》2009.8;

14.世俗化與科學的詮釋學因素——加達默爾與愛爾蘭根學派 (Secularization and Hermeneutical Elements of Sciences——Gadamer and Erlangen School ) 《世界哲學》2008.1;

15.“啟蒙”概念及其張力( The Concept of Enlightenment and Its Tension),《學術月刊》2007. 10;

16.代際倫理的兩個維度(Two Dimensions of Ethics of Inter-Generation)《中州學刊》2006.3;

17.道德自我、道德情境與道德判斷(Moral Self, Moral Situation and Moral Judgment ),《江蘇社會科學》2005.2; 18.哲學的邏輯表達與邏輯的哲學分析(Logical Expression of Philosophy and Philosophical Analysis of Logic),《復旦學報》2005.5;

19. 隱喻詮釋學:修辭學與哲學的聯姻( Hermeneutics of Metaphor: Marriage of Rhetoric and Philosophy),《哲學研究》2004.9;

20. 技術語言的泛化與技術的倫理效應( Extension of Technical Language and Ethical Effect of Technology),《江海學刊》2004.6;

21. 記號、符號及其效力( Sign, Symbol and their Effect),《復旦學報》2004.5;

22.解構策略的可能性(Possibilities of Deconstruction as a Strategy),《河北學刊》2003.3;

23.梅洛.龐蒂與知覺現象學( Merleau-Ponty and Phenomenology of Perception),《中國學術》2002.1;

24.利奧達與“後現代”概念的哲學詮釋( Lyotard and Philosophical Explanation of The Concept of “Post-Modernity”),《復旦學報》2001.5;

25. ““文化”釋義的可能性( Possibilities of Explanation of Culture),《復旦學報》1999.5;

26. 確實性的追求與哲學數學化的失敗( Search for Certainty and Failure of Mathematization of Philosophy),《學術月刊》1998.9;

27.現象學的懸置與還原( Epoch and Reduction of Phenomenology),《學術月刊》1993.9;

28.安樂死:社會學的考察(Euthanasia: A Consideration of Sociology),《社會學研究》1991.3;

29. “我思故我在”新探( New Inquiry into Cogito ergo sum”,《學術月刊》,1989.6;

30. 論笛卡爾的自我概念(On Descartes’ Concept of Ego),《中國社會科學》1988.5;