問題二:申稅,報稅用英文怎麽說 納稅申報的名詞:tax declaration
申報納稅的動作,過程:file Tax Return
Tax Return是指納稅申報表,不是退稅。
問題三:報稅,做賬,用英語怎麽說 報稅
[詞典] declare dutiable goods; make a statement of dutiable goods; report tax returns;
This is my first time to filling in BE Form.
Make account; accounting;
問題四:報稅、網上報稅的英文怎麽講 報稅
declare dutiable goods
declare dutiable goods online
問題五:比如開發票和網上報稅用英語怎麽說 報稅 declare dutiable goods 網上報稅 declare dutiable goods online
問題六:遠程抄報稅用英語怎麽說?特別是“抄”怎麽翻譯? remote reading declare dutiable goods
問題七:填寫了納稅申報表英語怎麽說 兩個都可以,因為tax return是名詞;當it、them等代詞出現時,只能用後者fill sth. in.
不過,我覺得fill out 比較好,因為它側重完整地填寫;fill in則是側重填寫空白處。tax return總有壹些空格是不適用的,不需要填寫的,所以我覺得fill ou憨比較好。
還有,tax return是可數的吧,要加個a.
問題八:抄報稅英語怎麽說 copy the dutiable goods,copy the tax
問題九:財務名詞申報所屬期 用英文怎麽說 妳好!
Financial term belongs
問題十:報稅用英語怎麽說 報稅
[詞典] declare dutiable goods; make a statement of dutiable goods; report tax returns;
This is my first time to filling in BE Form.