[拼音]:yínɡ jiē
1.to meet and greet;
to welcome ;
to meet/to welcome/to greet;
usher in
[參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英綜合科技大辭典 漢英綜合大詞典
歡呼迎接 acclaim; hurrah
迎接挑戰 meet challenge
迎接新年 bring in the new year
在家迎接 kept the home fires burning
迎接...的挑戰 meet the challenge of; meeting the challenge of
跳躍著迎接 come bounding to meet
鋪紅地毯迎接某人 give sb the red carpet treatment
行禮;禮炮;致意;迎接;贊揚 salute
為迎接視察而打掃營房 blitz
舉行迎接新年儀式 bring in the new year