If your are a nurse and have been qualified for a year,then travel nursing may be an exciting work opportunity for you.It may also afford you the chance to see somewhere new while getting paid at the same time,as well as other good positions such as not necessarily having to worry about accommodation and travel insurance costs.
附:afford v. 給予; 供應得起; 提供(根據句意,這裏應作為“提供講”)
accommodation n. 住處, 膳宿, 適應, 和解
insurance n. 保險, 保險費, 保險業
position n. 位置, 職位, 狀態, 立場 (這裏做“職位”講)
Many countries,such as US,are currently experiencing a shortage of nurses.According to study,the US government predicts that by 2020 the country may be short of almost a million nurses due to the increase in demand raising faster than the amount of individuals choosing nursing as a career choice.
附:be short of
缺少, 不到, 不夠
Otherwise you'll be short of money all term.
The rebels were short of gunpowder.
individual n. 人, 個體, 個人
Interestingly,the primary reason for the shortage is not financial,and has more to do with the general unhappiness with the hospital's so many regulations. Australia is another country facing similar problems,the shortage being due to other reasons that include lack of childcare.
有趣的是,護士短缺這壹現象產生的最主要原因不是財政上的,而更主要是由於人們普遍的對於醫院過多繁文縟節的不滿所造成的。 澳大利亞就是另壹個面臨類似問題的國家,那裏的護士短缺則是由於缺少幼托。
附:has more to do with 是說 the primary reason 更多的是由於...而造成的,或者說是...更多的造成上述問題
regulation n. 規章; 條例; 規則, 規定; 管理
childcare n. 幼托;照料小孩, 白天照料別人的小孩
The beauty of travel nursing is the amount of control you have over where and how long you wish to stay.If you are already working in an urban location,is is just as likely that you could nurse on the coast or somewhere less travelled.Initial travel nursing contracts are short(typically one to three months in US)and so if you feel the need to returen or move on soon,you can.
附:The beauty of travel nursing is the amount of control you have over where and how long you wish to stay.
這壹句的關鍵句型是 sb have control over sth 意思為:某人有能力掌控某事
例句:The department of the British government that once had control over all naval affairs.
move on 繼續前進(這裏引申為“繼續工作”)
Initial adj. 開始的, 字首的, 最初的
Travel nursing is also easily adaptable if you are eager to take a partner abroad.Many companies offer the chance to stay in private paid-for accommdation suitable for couples.However,if you are planning on travelling alone,it is also possible to arrange living with other nurses,which can be a great way to meet new people,as well as exchanging information on places to avoid or to move on to in the future.
附:adaptable adj. 能適應新環境的; 適合的; 適應性強的; 可改編的
be eager to
熱切想做, 渴望要做
The mother was eager to see the doctor about her sick son.
He was eager to get out of the (common) ruck and distinguish himself in some way.
So,if you are a qualified nurse and tired of working in the same location,travel nursing may well be worth the consideration.
附:It may well be that...那很可能是...